Getting Back Together Again (Third person)

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Raven was reading when there was a knock on her front door. On her doorstep laid a letter. She opened and it read:

Dear Raven,
A servant found this in my house. I thought you should see it.
J. S. R.

J. S. R., it rang a faint bell in Raven's head but she couldn't place it. The letter evaporated and a black leather bound book appeared in it's place. The book was named Death Prophecies. Inside was many old prophecies. Then she noticed one bent page. She flipped to it and read:
The time exactly 20 years had passed, the teen aged titans had separated a new evil will awaken. Only those who hold the true teen superheroes pain, will be able to defeat the new darkness. Only they can save the universe from peril.
Raven then knew what to do. Each Titan had separated completely. Cyborg went off to coach pros. Dick took a place as a co owner to a big company in Gotham. Garfield had went to help endangered animals. Raven had become an owner of a thriving bookstore. And Starfire had went back to her home planet. They all brought phones made to be able to contact each other only for an emergency. Raven called them all back to their old home. She said that it may take a little time.

At the old Titan tower.
"We must find this person and deal with them now before it is too late!" Starfire said.
"But, how are we to know who they are until they act?" Dick asked.
"Yeah! Plus, I think we are long gone for being superheroes again." Garfield said.
"You make a good point there Garfield." Cyborg said.
"I also should say, whomever it is wants to have titans who know the pain of a teen superhero. Maybe it is saying they wants teens." Raven pointed out.
"Right. How do we fix that problem?" Garfield asked.
"We all have teen kids right?" Dick asked.
"Yes." They all said.
"I do too. So we can put them in our place to save the world. Did you train your kids to know how to do the stuff we did?" Grayson said.
"I did." Said Cyborg.
"Same here or he would be breaking down my house a ton." Garfield said.
"We all do on my planet." Starfire said.
"Of corse Idid." Raven said calmly.
"The fate of the world rests in their hands." Dick said.

Outside of the doors into the tower waiting for the meeting to be done.
"Hey, you," a girl with a long dark hood started pointing at a boy with green skin, "can you tell me what time it is?"
"It's 9:04 am." A cyborg girl said.
"I was about to say that!" The green skinned boy said angrily to the cyborg.
"People, calm it." A dark haired boy who used a lot of hair gel said.
"May I call you Hair gel? I don't know your name." A girl with nice long dark red hair said.
"Maybe not." The boy with hair gel said.
"What about we sit in a circle and say our names?" The cyborg said.
"Ok." Everyone said as they sat down.
"Ok Hair gel, you can start. Just say right or left after." The cyborg said.
"Ok call me Nightwing or Robin. Left." Hair gel said.
"Call me Starfall or Starfire like my mom." The red haired girl said.
"I like it." They all said.
"Call me, Cyborg." The cyborg said.
"You can call me Raven or Rae, whatever you prefer." The hooded girl said.
"And that leaves me with Beast Boy or BB or Beasty or whatever." The green skinned guy said.
"And why did you choose your dad's name?" Raven asked.
"Because even if he becomes a superhero again he isn't a boy!" Beasty said.
"Hello! I am the old Nightwing and I was sent here to tell you that you will be living here and you will become a team to defeat a new villain. Good luck." Dick said. And with that he said good byes and was off. One by one the original titans left. The original Raven showed everyone their new rooms and then said her farewells.
"And don't forget, don't mess up!" She said to her daughter as se left.

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