The Problem With Death (Robin)

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I quickly walked over to my room after talking with Star. Once in my room I climbed semi out my window to feel the soft breeze. I was in comfy jeans and my favorite tee. I looked out at the beautiful sunset, the colors gently fading into each other so perfect like Star. I closed my eyes and let all my senses take it in. Suddenly someone started gagging me. The rag had a sleep powder spot where my mouth was. I slowly slipped into a dark emptiness.

I awoke, shaking. I looked around, I was in a dark circular pit. The only thing I could pick up was a faint clicking of gears and a shimmering sound. I tried to feel myself a way to escape. The place gave me an I should get out as quick as possible gut feeling. I shook anything I got my hands on to find a good way out of this dark pit. I looked around concerned. How did I get here anyways? I asked myself.
I just sunk down and imagined all parts I could remember starting at when I woke up in the mourning. I awoke, ate chocolate chip cookie cereal, I went to school, went to the date with Star, watched The Pit of Sadness, got a large popcorn and two small drinks. I walked out holding her hand, she flew me back home, we kissed on the roof, we walked in and an alarm sounded. We got to the crime scene too late, but Raven found a clue.I ate steak, courtesy of Cyborg, and found out that Star was framed. I went to bed. The next day I got out and ate my cereal, walked to Star's room to talk with her, she convinced me to tell them the proof. She went to tell them as I was in my room looking at the beautiful sunset then I was gagged with sleeping powder, I was carried out, but someone tore my clothes and poured red dye and tomato sauce into the carpet. I screamed and the person hit me in the head. The person had a bouncy step and was strong. She had dry brittle hair. I recounted. I then heard a shuffling and acted like.I was still knocked out.
"Well, good job Flix. Your mother will be safe to see another day. Now, please leave me to talk to this poor guy." Someone male who was in his later teens said.
"Okey dokey!" A peppy female girl, around my age, said.
I heard a shimmering sound and I guess she was gone.
"Well, father, how'd I do? I know I will never be able to reach your level of evilness, but I can try." The male said.
"Hey, where did you put the bathroom down here?" I asked loudly.
"Do you see the bucket? That is your chair and bathroom, have fun!" He said sarcastically.
"Thanks, so helpful. Hey, you have any food?" I said.
"Here." He said as he dropped a carton of milk that broke with impact to the ground, a glass, and a price of dry warm sour bread.
I nibbled on my bread. This place shouldn't be too tall, maybe it is more of an eight foot tall place rather than my first guess of five yards. I took a dull shard from my broken glass and wrapped some of the milk carton around where I hold it. I slowly carved small slits in the wall where I could just fit my toes in. The slits were small enough the male couldn't see them. I slowly brought them up. Then I climbed the wall, there was a couple more feet to go. I kept on making the slits as I went up. I reached my hand up and...

Ha! Cliffhanger! I hope you liked my surprise. I will get back to the ending of this chapter, it just may take a little while. Ok, so I want your opinion on the ending.
1) he is stunned by an electric fence at the top of the hole
2) his hand is crushed by Slade Jr
3) he is in a never ending pit.
4) he is almost caught then decides to wait
5) he is dropped on, like another person was caught

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