Chapter 12

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"This is the strangest joke I've ever seen." Rachael handed Dawn back the threat note. "So, what are you going to do about it?"

"What am I going to do about it?" Dawn repeated, unsure. What am I going to do about this?

"Come on Celine! This guy came in here, stole your stuff, and left you a threat note." Rachael's eyes were fueled with rage. "You must be doing something about this, right?" Her voice raised a level.

Dawn bit her lip, muttering, "I do need my journal back." And she really did. Without it, she was nothing. Her eyes were focused on the carpeting, her arms crossed. "But without the key, my journals useless." She sighed.

"You're talking to the person who's known you since preschool." Rachael interrupted her thoughts. Dawn looked up to see a gleam in her eye. "Watch as I, the Amaaazing Rachael, find your key." She smirked as Dawn held back a giggle.

"Okay then. Where is the key, Amazing Rachael?" She mimicked her.

"Hmm." Rachael paced around the room like a caged tiger. She paused, glancing at the bed before shaking her head and moving on. "Knowing you," she walked over to the dresser. "You would put it in plain sight." She reached up and grabbed a stuffed bear that sat on top of the dresser.

Setting the teddy bear on the bed, Rachael ran two fingers down its back. "I thought so." She smiled, ripping open the bears back to reveal hidden Velcro. "Check the bear, Miss Grantsfield, and you will find that everything is in order." She badly did a impression of the police.

Dawn dug her hand into the cotton and felt around. Something hard scraped her skin. She wrapped her hand around the object and pulled it out. Unclenching her hand, her eyes widened. "The key, but how?" She looked up at Rachael.

"A magician never reveals her secrets." Rachael winked, a smile still on her face. The corners of Dawns lips raised slightly at that. Now for the hard part.

"This is all well and good but there's still the matter of my journal." She gave the key a good squeeze. "I mean, how are we going to even track it down?"

"Well, the way I figure it the person has to keep the journal close to them." Rachael was tapping one finger on her chin. "So the journal must still be with the creep." Logical guess, Dawn nodded in agreement. "Now the matter is down to how to locate the creep."

"I might know how," Dawn made her way to the window and looked out to view the backyard. She shuddered as last nights events replayed in her head. "Someone came with their mind set on murder, and they know I caught them. They'll be back." She rested her hand on the cool glass.

"Someone tried killing you?!" Concern wavered in Rachael's voice. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" She paused for a second. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Dawn chuckled. "Maybe because I just met you?" A silence filled the air. She turned around and stared, noticing her head was now hanging low.

Rachael's eyes didn't lift as she spoke. "You might have just met me, but I met you long ago." Her voice was dripping with an emotion Dawn couldn't identify.

"Just means I get to make new memories with you." Rachael's head lifted at that.

She smiled weakly. "Really?" Dawn nodded. "You and me against the world." Rachael chuckled slightly. "That's what you always used to say."

Dawn grabbed her hand after setting the key down, leading her downstairs and to the kitchen. Opening the backdoor, she dragged her outside. Just being outside sent chills down her spine. "You're shaking." Rachael said in a hushed tone. Dawn stopped and looked at her hand. Sure enough, it was trembling.

"I'll be fine." She breathed out. "We just need to wait until the person comes back." She smiled weakly. "The criminal always comes back to the scene of the crime, right?" She pulled that line from the cop shows she fell in love with.

Rachael sat down in front on the tree. "Okay then." Dawn sat down, her back leaning against the opposite side of the trunk. The wind blew across her face, tousling her hair. "Hey, Celine. Do you remember anything that happened between us?"

Dawn shook her head though she knew Rachael couldn't see her. "Nothing. It's a complete blank." She pushed back her hair. "Why, did something happen?"

"Nothing bad, no." Her voice sounded wistful. "We had some pretty good times though." She chuckled.

"Good times, like what?" Dawn glanced over, interested. "Did we solve all the worlds problems or become famous?"

Rachael laughed. "I wish!" Her laughter died down after a few minutes. "But there was this time we went to this killer party. I had to convince you to go, and when I did, you lost me in the crowds." Her voice was nostalgic.

"Really? Then what happened?" Dawn found herself grinning.

"Well you found me, but by the time you did I was drunk out of my mind." She bursted out laughing. "I thought you were going to kill me after you caught me with that frap boy." Dawn found herself turning red as she laughed.

"Was it really that bad?" She asked with one hand over her mouth.

"You banned me from having alcohol after that." Dawn could just picture a smirk on her face. "Didn't stop me from drinking though."

She shook her head slightly. "Do you ever do what you're told?"

"Nope! Bad girl for life Baby!" She cried out. Dawn couldn't help it, she giggled. "What's so funny, Miss goody two shoes?"

She laughed even more. "You are, bad girl." She teased.

"You better watch it or I'll come over there." Rachael threatened in a humorous tone.

"I'd like to see you try." Dawn closed her eyes. A few seconds passed of utter silence before she was knocked to the ground. "What the heck?!" Opening her eyes, she stared into two passionate fireplaces. She managed to chuckle slightly. "Didn't think you would actually do it."

"Since when do I listen?" Rachael held her wrists down so she couldn't move.

"Never." Dawn admitted. Her eyes never broke contact from Rachael's. Silence was an answer and their eyes spoke every word. This feels nice, natural. She broke the silence with a hushed whisper. "It's good to have you back." Dawn softly smiled at her.

Amnesia (Book 1 in The Forgotten Series)Where stories live. Discover now