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Dawn sat on the floor next to the Christmas tree, more interested with the wrapping paper than her presents. Didn't matter though, it was the thought that mattered, Dean smiled softly at her. It had been a little over a year since Celine had died and he still couldn't get the memory out of his head. "Open your present." Nadia woke him out of his nightmare.

He slowly unwrapped his present and froze. Wrapped in a bow was his book. Picking up the book, he noticed something else was hidden in between the pages. Carefully, he pulled out the thin paper and smiled. "Our wedding picture." He ran his fingers over the picture before looking up at her.

"Merry Christmas." She smiled softly.

"Merry Christmas." He stood, kissed them both on the top of their heads and went upstairs to put away his gifts. As he passed Celine's room, an old chill went down his spine. It's in the past, he reminded himself as he opened his door and closed it behind him. Glancing around, he decided to set the picture on his desk. There, perfect, he smiled at the picture one last time before starting to walk out of his room.

The book in his hands suddenly felt heavier. Sitting down on his bed, he skimmed through the pages of his work, the grief slowly resurfacing. A book not about me, or my challenges, or the tragedy of my friend, he went back to the beginning. But of the hardship my friend faced, not as Celine, but as Dawn. He got worked up every time he read his introduction. This is the story of how amnesia changed her life and lives of everyone around her.

Amnesia (Book 1 in The Forgotten Series)Where stories live. Discover now