Chapter Three: What The Hell?

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Once again, I woke back up into this crazy ass life, to hear my mother scream.

I jumped up out of my bed, and threw my bedside table drawer open, getting my large knife and holder, and I velcro-ed the holder to my ankle, even though it was totally visible, because I had very short shorts on. I also grabbed my smaller knife, and slipped it in my bra. I grabbed my 9 millimeter, yes, I have a gun for my an my mothers protection, and slipped it the small of my back, where my shorts waistline was.

My hair was in a braid, and I guess I must have woken up last night and showered. I slipped my combat boots on, and slowly, and quietly opened my door, careful not to make noises. I was a expert at defense. I walked down the stairs without tiptoeing, but it was silent as air. As I went down my third step I heard a crash. I pulled my 9 millimeter from my back and held it in both hands at my shoulder.

I was reaching my last step when I heard another scream. I went more quickly now.

I swiftly checked the living room, empty. I heard another scream, and I cocked my gun.

I stepped into the kitchen to see a guy, with his raised to my mother. My blood boiled.

I pointed my gun at him. Even though I'm young, I have great aim.

"Who the fuck are you?" I said in extreme anger.

"What the hell? Who are you?" He looked at my mother, "You never told my you had a damn kid!"

"Yeah, she does, and I'm going to ask you again. Who. The. Fuck. Are. You?" I said almost screaming.

"I'm Dan, and your mother stole from me, and she needs to be punished. Why don't you go back upstairs? I don't mean harm.." He said, gesturing to my gun.

"Then why was your fucking hand raised to her face? Why was screaming? What the hell do you mean punished? Get the fuck outta my house!" I yelled.

He stepped to me. Oh, fuck no.

"One step closer my friend. One step, and you've crossed my line. And I. Will. Shoot. You." I said whispering the last part.

He stepped.

"As you wish." I said as I pointed my gun to his thigh and shot. I re-cocked my gun, waiting. He fell to the ground, and was screaming. My mother looked shocked.

"Mom, get the fuck upstairs." I told her. She obeyed, and went upstairs trembling.

I knelt down, to the man. "What did my mom steal from you, tell me and I'll help you to your car. I only shot you because you stepped too close. All you need is to go to the hospital, and tell them that you were at the gun range. Tell me what she stole." I told him.

"Your mother came to me asking for drugs. She didn't have the full amount, so I told her no. All she had was ten dollars..."

Ten dollars? Screw you, Marge.

"She was hysterical! I had my guys escort her out, and when I went out, your mother took a lot of drugs. I came here, got my drugs, and was talking to her. Your mother should be dead right now. She did the unimaginable. But, you interfered. My guys have been instructed to never let this happen, before I met you. I am sorry. I don't want you dead! My guys were also instructed to never back off this order, so they will be after you. Please, don't kill me! I never met for this to happen. I genuinely do not want you die. I'm so sorry." He finished.

"I have had bad guys on me for two years. But please, can I get some weapons? In die for the service I'm doing you, please bring me weapons. Lots. Or I will find you. Trust and believe." I told him, reaching my hand down, for him to take.

"I swear on my mother." He said grasping my hand. I pulled him up, and helped him to his car.

"The truck, there's a Automatic rifle, (A/N sorry, I don't know guns!) take it, the ammo too. Once again, I'm sorry." He said, closing the door. I went to the truck, and opened it. I got the gun, and the ammo. I waved, and went up to my room. I put my 9 milli on my bedside table, and my new gun in the ceiling duct. Hehehe.

Knives stayed in their spots, when I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it, and saw a text from a unknown number.

UNKNOWN: 'Hey, beautiful.'

ME: 'eh, err, whom am I speaking?'

UNKNOWN: 'Colin, meet me in the park?'

ME: 'Sure. Be there in ten.'

COLIN: 'kay.'

I kept my outfit on, which was very short shorts on, a red tank, my combat boots and my long hair in a braid.

I put my 9 milli in my back again, and my knives were in place.

I retrieved my new gun, and walked out to y car. I put the new gun in the trunk. I slid into the front seat and headed towards the park.

Upon arrival, I saw him sitting there. My heart raced. Damn, I'm going crazy.

I walked over to him, and he looked up, and looked my up and down, stopping at my knife.

"You think I'm dangerous?" He said, a hardness to his voice.

"No, baby, I could take you anytime. I got bigger and badder motherfuckers after me." I said, strength in my voice.

He looked at me with a face full of concern. "Who?" He whispered.

I closed my eyes, not wanting him to see my scared. "Dan and his drug cartel." Colin's eyes flashed fearlessness.

"No way your taking them by yourself. I got your back." He said, standing. He reached to me, and pulled me by the small of my back, where my gun is. He smirked.

"Hmm, and to think I thought you were only a racer. Guess what. I'm moving, and I decided I do a little research on my neighbor. Guess who it is?"

"Who?" I said looking at his lips. Those nice fucking lips.

He dipped his head and spoke the words on my lips.



What the hell?

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