Chapter 1

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Alessia's POV

*Ring, Ring, Ring*

"Okay, I'm up. I'm up." I turned my dumb alarm off and went to go get ready for my first day of school. My dad and I had just moved to New York from Louisiana. We move so much that I basically have no friends. It's really annoying, but my dad said this was the last time we were going to move, so I guess New York is my new home.

I looked out my window and saw a range rover by our house. "Hmm, never seen that before." I said to myself "I guess dad got a new car."

Jason's POV

I watched her from my range rover. I've been watching her for 3 years now.  I knew everything about her - Name: Alessia Christina Miles, Birthdate: June 11, 1997, Hair color: Black, Eye color: Emerald green. Today was the day I was going to kidnap her. Today was the day I would get my baby girl.

Alessia's POV

*8 hours later*

School was finally over. I had to walk home because my overprotective dad said I couldn't drive until I was 20 and he wasn't back from work yet so he couldn't pick me. My life is so hard. I sighed. As I was getting home, I walked past a park and I saw a family. A mom, a dad, a young girl and boy were sitting in a circle eating from a picnic basket. I stared at the family with envy. I wish my childhood was like that, but I've just always known I wasn't going to have that nice easy white picket fence life after my mom left me.


"Mama, mama, please don't leave me mommy." I cried.

"I have to baby girl. Daddy doesn't have enough money to take care of all of us, so I have to leave." she said as a single tear went down her cheek. I knew she was lying. I had seen what dad had done to her. I had seen the scars along her arms and back. She was leaving for herself. She didn't have to pretend it was a money problem. " I love you, Alessia."

I hugged her legs not wanting to let go, but my dad pulled me away."No mommy. Don't leave me. Take me with you"I cried silently. My mother looked at me one last time, got into the car and drove off. I haven't seen her since then.


While I was walking, a range rover that looked like the same one I saw in my driveway this morning slowly drove towards me. I walked a little faster, because New York isn't exactly known as the safest place in the world.

"Hey babe, you need a ride?" said the mysterious guy in the car. He had dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, a sleeve up tattoos  running up both his arms and a lip ring. He was my definition of "Bad Boy Supreme".

I didn't know who he was and I didn't want to piss him off so I just kept walking and pretended I didn't hear him. From my peripheral vision I could see the red car driving up. I started walking a little bit faster.

" Really? The silent treatment? Come one babe." He got out of the car and started walking towards me.

Who the hell is this guy and what does he want?

"Please don't hurt me I'll give you anything you want," I said, my voice wavering. I started searching through my pocket and I found a few things. " I have two dollars and a scrunchie but that's all I have take it."

"Oh Alessia, I don't want anything from you and I don't want to hurt you. I just want you." The man said.

"Oh crap. He's gonna kill me isn't he. Oh god I'm gonna die." I though to myself. I broke into a sprint, running as fast as I could. Being on the cross country team really helped me out with this dilemma. Though I was fast, he was faster. He tried tackling me, but I dodged him and silently congratulated myself for dodging the tackle. I ran for two more blocks an finally guessed that I'd lost him. I looked behind me and saw nothing but an old bicycle. "Finally, I lost that creep." I sighed.

"You guessed wrong." A voice said from behind a bush. The mystery guy came from behind the bush and tackled me. He picked me up and started carrying me towards the red car.

"Put me down" I screamed. I punched his back with all my strength, but it didn't seem to phase him.
 "Bad girl", he said. All of sudden I felt a pinch on the right side of my neck. It was a needle. I was getting dizzy. The last thing I saw were his hazel eyes creepily staring into mine.

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