Oh she is so grounded!

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Wednesday 8:32 AM

"Hey Maddison! Are you ready for prom? It is in two weeks!" Prom was the moment we shine the most. Who wins the crown is queen of High School. I know that I am winning that crown. Everyone will know that I am the LA High School ruler. "Yeah! I am so ready for it. And I love the aquatic theme. I will probably have a light blue gown." I am the president of the events that happen at school. I have to coordinate every event that this high school has. Every event has been successful thanks to me.
We walked through the hallways and saw Sabrina crying on the floor. "Sabs? Why are you sobbing?" Maddie asked. "My dad and my mother will divorce."
Oh please. That is not that bad. "Oh Sabs. You should actually be happy about it." She looked at me very confused. "Why? My parents are separating. We will not be a family anymore." She is so pitiful. "Yeah, but you will get double of the things. Double presents, double house, double everything! You are going to live a dream."
I wiped her tears with a kleenex I took from my Michael Korse purse. "You are right! Maybe I will get something out of it. I will have anything I want." She stand up. I was creating a monster. Haha! I want to see her face when I crush her. "Let's go to class. I don't want to be late to my Art class." Maddie added. "Oh please you just go to that class just because the teacher is a hottie!" We all giggled. "I know right! Well I have to get going. See you at lunch Aria." Maddie waved and left. I have also to get to class. "Well Sabs see you later. Oh and BTW tonight we are making a party at your house." She looked shocked, but worried. "I don't think so. I know that my parents are in Canada dividing properties and money before they divorce, but it is a bad idea. If they know I made a party, they will kill me." Oh that's a good idea. I will make her do the party and I will call her parents. Her parents will come and baboom. She is grounded. "Sabi, you will be fine. This will make you more popular. Everyone will like you. Come on. Don't be a party pooper." This will be so good. "Your right lets do this."
Oh this is going to be fun.
Wednesday 4:36

"Mom, we should do this more often. Oh God! I love this massages. Uhhh ahhh! Right there." Mom and I were at the Spa. How I promised I came to have a mother and daughter quality time.
"I know right. They treat you like a queen in this spa. So princesa, how have you been? You know the accident happened and you have to go to the court on Friday. How do you feel?" Oh! I totally forgot about that. "I am scared. I do not know what will happen. What if I go to jail?"
"Sweetheart, your dad will pay and you will be fine. You didn't knew the brake didn't work. You just need to tell what happened and you will be out of there in no time."
"You are right mom! Thanks for always making me feel better!"

"That is why I am here. That is my job. To take care of you. I love you! And nothing will happen to you. Never."

Wednesday 7:03

"Why are we going to her party?" Lana complained. Summer, Lana, Maddison and me were getting ready to party. "Girl, remember this is all a plan. Phase one was making her to trust us. Phase two was to convince her to be popular like us and now we are in phase three get her grounded. Phase four is to make her a bad ass like us and the last one phase five is to crush her down! " I am so proud of me. I am a genius. "Oh, don't you think that is a little cruel?" Summer asked. I stopped brushing my hair and I turned around. "Cruel? That is nothing compared of what am I capable to do. Now Summer if you keep defending her then GET OUT! You don't want me as your enemy. Now decide. Us or her?" Lana and Maddison were as quiet as a mouse. They were waiting for her respond. "I will stay." Lana and Maddison sighed in relief. "Good girl! Now get back to work. You need to finish Maddison's hair." I demanded coldly. I kept brushing my blonde hair. I wish I had my hair like before. It was a light brown, but to make myself look powerful I need to be blonde. I imagine how would I look if I painted my hair pink. Maddie would kill me, but the curiosity is killing me.
"Is everyone ready?" Maddie asked. We all nodded. "Then lets start phase number 3."
Wednesday 11:34 PM

The party was wild. Everyone was drunk and crazy. This party is a blast, but it won't last.
I made Sabrina drink so much that I knew she was going to have a really bad hangover. Now I have to call her parents. I dialed their number.

"Hello Mr. Reed I am Ariana Rivera. I study at your school."

"Oh hello. What can I help you Ms. Rivera?"

"Well I don't think you know, but I am a good friend of Sabrina. And I am certainly worried about her. Today at school she announced there was going to be a party at her house. I knew that you and Mrs. Reed were going to Canada. Did you gave her permission?"

"Certainly not! Oh she will be so grounded. We will take the next plane. Thanks for informing me Ms. Rivera. Indeed you are a very good person."

"Oh please I just wanted to help. Oh and please don't tell her it was me. She would be very mad. Well bye Mr. Reed say hi to Mrs. Reed for me."

"Of course it will be confidential and just call us Samuel and Rebekah. You earned it. Good night."

Call ended.

She is so grounded!

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