Chapter 10: Love, The Hunters.

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  Heygoes My Lovelies,

1 yes I really did combine the words hey and eggoes 2 here's the new chapter. ok so some have been wondering if we get to find out if Sutton met anyone while she was in London. So as an answer to that question , that will come up soon not yet but soon :) lol but yeah here it is. oh and I have a friend who is reading this and she keeps telling me people will lose interest if I keep taking so long in between updates. im gonna try and up date at least once every 2 weeks but you guys have to remember im only 14 but I have a job and then all my chores and a life with friends to hang out with and places to go :) but im gonna try so here's chap 9

also in the last chapter there was a question in the comments that said, "Why didn't they chase the hunters immediately?"

Answer: I needed the hunters to have not been found yet so i can leave you guys with a killer cliff hanger :)

ok so here we go.(randomly starts singing) On ward forever on ward we go. Oh yes on ward oh on ward to type the new chapter oh on war- (remembers people are reading and gets exstreamly  embarrassed.) oppsy well now that I have humiliated my self we shall continue with chapter 9 :)

love you guys



Jace's P.O.V

"Sutton, Im home!" I yelled as I entered the doors of my house. Then the smell hit me by god was it mouth watering it smelled like chicken.

"Jace? I'm in the kitchen! I hope you don't mind but I started making dinner. You don't have much in your fridge but you did have everything I needed to make BBQ chicken, is that ok?" she yelled back as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Yeah that's fine." I said with a smile as i entered the room and saw Avery finger painting and Emerson reading a book. " I haven't had a home cooked meal that didn't come out of a can or box in I don't know how long." I walked up behind her wrapped my arms around my waist and kissed her cheek then turned around and looked at our kids and said, "You two didn't give your mom to much of a hassle today did you?"

"No Daddy." the said at the same time a little to quickly with guilty smiles.

"Will that be the same answer I get from your mom?" I asked with a knowing look pointed straight at Emerson, knowing if I were going to get the truth of what they did he was the easiest to get to confess. 

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." he said trying to think of what to do. 

'Don't crack Emer you can do this.' I heard Avery mind link to her older brother. Since im an Alpha I can hear anyone's thoughts or when the mind link to another person, and since they're kids their barrier to block me out is easy to get threw unlike there mom since she's the Luna she can block me out.

"Emerson is there something you would like to tell me?" I asked him as he looked like he was about to burst.

'I don't know how long I can do this with him looking at me like that Aves.' he linked back to his sister.

'Oh lord your such a baby.' she replied.

"Come on Emer. Its better if I hear it from you or Avery rather than your mom."

As I said that I suddenly got flashed of images from his memory then he blurted out. "It was Avery's idea to but all the Barbie's in your room and make it look like a girls room she even used her paints to paint it pink-" he was cut of with a hand over his mouth as he was tackled to the ground by his little sister.

"Ha-ha Very funny. That's our Ever always joking daddy. ha don't you think he funny. I think me and him are going to go watch T.V. now bye-bye." she said very nervously and pulled him out of the room before they left I heard her mind link him 'I'm going to kill you now. I always wondered what being an only child would be like.' she said as he got a terrified expression on his face.

When the kitchen door shut I looked at Sutton with a worried expression and said "Shouldn't we like, you know, stop her from killing my heir?" but she didn't respond.


Sutton's P.O.V

"Shouldn't we like, you know, stop her from killing my heir?" he said with a worried expression. that's when it hit me. I was going to be the Luna soon. All my thinking stopped at the sound of shattering glass and the front door slamming shut. Jace and I ran out of the kitchen to find the glass in the door broken and the kids missing. I looked at Jace wide eyed as he walked towards the door. I looked at the door and noticed a yellow post it with what looked like black scribbles from this far away  he read it and collapsed to is knees. I walked over to the door and quickly read the note before black dots formed in my vision and suddenly everything went black.



l    Dear  Alpha Jace                                    l 

l              We have the children                  l

l                tell Sutton hi for us                      l

l                we hope you said I love you     l

l    one last time.                                          l

l           because we have orders to kill    l

l_______love, The Hunters_________l


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