Beginning of a Killer

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Chapter: 1

Main Dimension
Texas City
June 12, 2014

The number one killer these days will be people dying of heat stroke, the main culprit, the sun. Why was, you, the palest kid in the neighborhood going out on a very sunny day?

You had many reasons to go out this dangerous morning such as: your dad likes to drink his fair share of liquor during college football season and your mother just gave birth to your baby (brother or sister), so she demanded that you go out to help your poor old senile grandfather.

However, you just stare outside the open door of your house. You really didn’t want to go out; you honestly didn’t want to risk your life. You turned your head back to your mother and opened your mouth.

Your mother interrupted you before you could protest.
“It’s the summer and you need to get out of my house. Find a boyfriend or something” She cooed at the baby. Your face twisted at the last words she said.

“Don’t give me that ugly face, (y/n)” she said in her baby voice, sometimes you wonder if she had eyes on the back of her head. You huffed and trudged out the door like a soldier going into war.

“Good Jesus it’s hot!” you groaned loudly as the sun bore down on you. You felt like you were baking with each step you took down the sidewalk from your house.

You passed a couple of kids your age gambling on the corner. You mentally rolled your eyes at them. A bunch of rich kids dressing up as wannabe gangsters; a lot of kids your age had nothing to do with their lives since they didn’t have to work to get what they wanted.

After ten minutes of walking, you came upon your grandfather’s broken, rusted, weathered house that was located eight houses down. How come it took you a long time to get there? Well, you walked very slowly and because you were feeling very lazy.

You walked up the stairs and onto his porch, knocking on the door you waited for him to answer. You knocked over and over again knowing that your grandfather was a fast sleeper.

You could hear muffled yells coming from the house and finally the door was wedged open with a very angry scowling man.

“God damn these kids, always on my lawn! It’s my property!” your grandfather yelled. He then looked down at you and looked at you intensely. Silence issued between both him and you, until he broke it.

“I’ll give you something if you get the hell off my lawn” he said. You shrugged your shoulders not really caring. He handed you a bulky box that looked like nobody would want.

“And he couldn’t give me money…” You said bluntly and with a blank face.

Your grandfather rolled his eyes with a huff and slammed the door in your face.

“Old fucker...” you mumbled underneath your breath as you stormed off.

Finally, you got back home in time for lunch. Your dad appeared from the top of the stairs, “Did you get my beer” he hollered and you groaned. You had totally forgot about it and made up a lie. “Ah- Somebody stole it from me when I got home” you heard your dad shriek loudly.

“Son of guns gonna die!!! Where they live at!!” he screamed at you and shook you. You made up another lie and watched as he stormed at the door grabbing a baseball bat. You tilted your head to the side and made up your mind. You were going to lock yourself in your room, until the next day.

You made it up to your bedroom and shut the door. You locked it to make sure that your dad wouldn’t be able to come in any time soon. You sat the bulky box on your bed and fell on to your soft (color) covers. You stared at the wall as you waited.

Their Goddess (Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now