Chapter 5

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{pic of Alex}


"Can you take me home Jada left with the car" Malaisha said walking up to me.

"Yeah come on "I said walking out the hospital and to my car.

Malaisha walked infront of me opening the car door.

"Thank you" I said as she closed the door jogging around to the other side.

"Welcome "

The car ride was silent. I didn't even want to think right now .

"You know if you ever need someone to talk to you have my number "Malaisha said as I pulled up to her house.

"Thanks Malaisha "

"Anything for you" she said lifting my hand and kissing it.

"On second thought could you stay with me until tonight "I said looking up at her. "If you and your girl don't mind"

"Yes I will stay with you and Jada don't run me"

"Don't seem like it to me" I laughed a little pulling back out of her parking lot .

"Dia don't play "she said acting like one of them ratchet girls which made me laugh.

"Eww you really look like you can be one of them"

"You steady playing " she said in her real voice this time.

I laughed shaking my head.

"There go that million dollar smile" Malaisha said pinching my cheeks.

"Stopp" I whined.

I pulled up to my house and my momma car was parked in the drive way.

"Auntie bleu gone be happy to see us together " I said walking threw the door.

"Mommy!!"Kori yelled running up to me.

"Hey big girl "I said picking her up.

She stared at Malaisha for a while.

"Who that?" She asked.

"That's Malaisha "I smiled. "Say hi"

"H-hi" she said shyly.

"Hey princess " Malaisha smiled. "I got something for you" Malaisha got a Air head out her pocket and gave it to Kori.

"Thank you" she said wiggling out my arms to get down.

"Really "I said. "She gone be bouncing off the walls"

"Aww come on " Malaisha laughed. "You sound like our parents when we were young"

"Is that Malaisha I hear" Auntie bleu said walking from out the back yard.

"Its me " Malaisha said giving her a hug.

Ma came threw the sliding door walking over to us.

"I saw Alex come in here and get her stuff what happened?"

After telling her everything from beginning to end both of them was shocked.

"I told you"Auntie bleu said.

"Well I'm glad your okay "Ma said.

"Well I'm not okay, it hurts really bad on the inside I spent two and a half years of my life on us just to throw it all away"I sighed.

"When the trash is full you got to throw it out or else its gonna stink "

Everyone looked at Malaisha. When she got all wise and shit.

"What?" She laughed.

"First you come in here with a purse now you all wise and shit what college ball do to you" Ma said causing us to laugh.

"Actually this is Dia purse that im holding and second college ball don't do shit but make you Tired"



Kori was sleep at the foot of my bed as I laid on Malaisha's chest watching Hotel Transylvania 2.

"Its bout to be 11 I need to go home " Malaisha said.

"Noo" I wined pulling her closer to me.

"I don't even got clothes or my tooth brush"

"Yes you do I kept all of your clothes in my dresser and I got extra tooth brushes " I said.

"You just prepared huh?" Malaisha laughed.

"Yup now go shower you smell like hospital "I said getting up to go get her a towel.

"Here and don't use my bath and body works body wash use the vanilla coconut or something "I said handing the towel to her.

"Girl nobody don't want to smell like surgery moonlight any ways "Malaisha said walking into the bathroom.

I picked Kori up and carried her to her room.

"Where's ma?" Kori asked.

"She went away for a while "I said laying her down.

"She coming back?"

"Shh baby don't worry about okay just go to sleep okay "I said pulling the sheets over her.

"Okay, Love you"

"Love you to princess "I said kissing her on her forehead head.

I went back in the room making sure I left both of our doors open just incase something happens.

"Y'all still here" I said going down stairs seeing Auntie bleu and my momma hugged up on the couch under some covers "

"Ion feel like moving "Auntie bleu said.

"Well we do have a guest room if y'all want to get comfortable "I said.

"Goodnight ma , Goodnight Auntie bleu " I said kissing both of them on the cheek.

"Goodnight" They both said.

I went back up to my room and got under the covers. I was dozing off until I heard the bathroom door open. Malaisha came out in her Polo boxers with gym pants over them and a Calvin Klein sports bra.

"You want me to cut off the tv"Malaisha asked putting her clothes and my hamper.

"Yea"I said.

She cut the t.v off then got in the bed.

"Where Kori?" She asked as I cut off the lights.

"I put her in her bed" I said turning to face her.


Although I couldn't see her face I could tell she was looking at me.

"You good though?" Malaisha asked.


"Everything that happened today "

"Nahh, im not good but everything gone be good once I bounce back" I said.

"That's what's up just know I'm with you 100%"

"Not with Jada on your ass"I said.

"Mann forget about her"

"Mhmm whatever "I said turning around the other way.

"Girl who you turning your back to?" Malaisha said pulling me on top of her and holding me down with her arms.

"Malaisha let me go" I said holding in my laughs.

"Give me a kiss first "

"Eww no you been kissing that ugly ass girl " I said folding my lips in.

"Bruhh I brushed my teeth "

"So her germs probably all in your pores and shit" I said laughing.

I felt Malaisha's lips against mine in the mist of my laughing. The spark was never gone. I still feel like a bunch of butterflies in my stomach.

That's my Baby

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