Would you Rather. . . Story Time? 11

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(I just came up with the best idea ever!!! I'm going to add a little story along with these questions. Kind of short stories. Now please tell me if you guys like this idea or not. Thanks guys!)

~Pub Problem~

You were getting ready to meet up with a few old friends. And when I say old, I mean country old.

Kidding! No human can be that old, but an immortal can. Anyways back to the story

There names were Arthur and Ludwig. Often known as England and Germany. You knew they didn't get along very well, but sense they both were your very closest friends, you wanted them to get along. (But everyone who knows them knows they will never get along!)


"Isn't this fun guys?" You say trying to raise the mood a little.

"Sure (y/n), so fun!" Arthur says with a sarcastic tone.

The place the three of you chosen to meet at was the bar, or pub. That's what Arthur prefers to call it.

After awhile of some more awkward conversations and drinking, Arthur got tired of trying to please the German and went on a journey to find some more alcohol.

You were about to go search for your British friend, but Ludwig stopped you.

"Let's find him later. It will be a lot easier to." He said knowing the Brits past with bars and alcohol.

"Okay. I guess it will." You say.

Two to three hours later, you were still talking to your German friend when suddenly the both of you heard the music stop. You turn to try and find the suspect. It was pretty obvious who it was because they were standing on a table with a bottle in there hand and a crazed look in his eyes.


Would you rather. . .

Continue your conversation with Germany.
Outcome: (You ignored the drunken Brit. Soon enough someone decided to punch him in the face (god knows why) and it sent the whole bar into chaos. Germany soon had to help and try to stop the whole bar, but he got carried away and started fighting someone. This ruined the whole night for you.)

Or. . .

Decide to go over to the Brit and punch him in the face, then helped him get home safely.
Outcome: (He will blame Germany in the morning, and will try to fight him while being hung over. You will get the whole 'fight' on video and will become famous from it. BUT, Arthur won't forgive you very easily for embarrassing him on the internet. He will probably forget about the whole thing when. . . he forgets about the Revolutionary War.)

I hope you guys enjoyed that! Please tell me if I should do any more of these, because I would be very happy to!

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