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By and by the days go on,

same faces, same places,

on and on the hours go,

so do hopes and dreams,

the years go fast some people say,

so why do I feel the opposite way?

Each second ticking, each moment clicking,

feels like it lasts an hour,

each face I see, each place I go,

is just to pass the time.

I feel like I'm behind a wall of glass,

nothing I can do to can change, the 

same people, same places

as always.

I feel like I'm in a dream,

like I can stay completely unseen,

that the second I stop talking, the 

same people, same places

disappear, forget me,

find somebody real,

someone who can break the glass,

someone who can wake-up at last,

and see like me, though not as late,

that all these

same people, same places,

don't matter.

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