chapter 5

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5 months later

Hayes' POV

I miss her. I think about her everyday, we all do. All of us have changed in the last 5 months since she left. Cameron has been trying to look for her but has had no success. He's been miserable. He has been crying every week for 5 months because he thinks it's his fault and he doesn't know if Jillian is okay. The house has lost its energy, no one has been laughing everyone has just been moping around barely saying anything to each other.

I've been looking at my un-opened note for the past hour deciding if I should open it. I looked at it with tears in my eyes and picked it up and broke the seal.

I'm sorry had to leave with out any notice but I want you to know one thing that I couldn't tell you in person, I love you and I've never stopped. I've never thought that I would run away but trust me it's for a good reason, and when I come back you'll see. I don't know when that would be but, it will hopefully be soon. When I see you again you'll have a surprise, I don't know if you'll take it in a good way or bad, that's up to you. Watch out for dad please. I love him so much and I just want you to keep him on track until I get back. I love you Hayes...


"I love you to..." I whispered while tears fell down my face and onto the paper, " I always have and I always will no matter what..."

Jillian's POV

Its been 5 months since I've seen my family and 7 months of pain. I found out that I'm having 2 baby boys and I couldn't be happier. I've decided to name them Mason Reed and Alex Cole. Hayes picked out the name Alex a couple years ago, it popped up in our conversation and I've never forgotten it. Even though Shay, Emma, Vanessa, and I were all hoping for a girl, we are still happy. I told Hannah and everyone over lunch and everyone flipped their shit. Literally. Nah I'm just playing that's disgusting.

Shay and I are currently in my bed watching Christmas holiday videos on YouTube cause we are in love with them. All the decorations make me happy and snow, even though Cali doesn't get any, I look on tumblr and pretend I'm in it. All of a sudden I felt really strong kicks, but pushed it aside and continued watching the video. They kept on coming more and more with more force then I felt myself sitting in a puddle of water. This can't happen. They are coming 2 months early.

"SHAY MY WATER JUST BROKE!!" I yelled jumping up and running to my closet to put shoes on. Shay grabbed my hospital suitcase from the bottom of my bed, shouted to all of the girls and quickly ran to the car.

We finally arrived at the hospital and Shay went inside to find a doctor to come out and help me cause I can't get out of the car. Wow this is great. A doctor came out with a wheel chair and all 4 of them had to help me down and out of the car and into the wheel chair. I got checked into a room and a doctor checked me and said that I was 6 centimeters dilated and the baby should be here soon.

I sat in my bed scrolling through my phone when I realized this is the time that I need Hayes and my dad the most and I don't have them.

*skipping all the birth shit cause idk how to explain it*

Mason Reed- Born December 15 at 5:27  PM weighing 2 lbs and 8 ounces. He has Hayes' eyes, my nose, and my mouth

Alex Cole- Born December 15 at 5:58 PM weighing 2 lbs and 4 ounces. He has Hayes' eyes, mouth, and lips. He's exactly like Hayes.

I looked down at my handsome babies while they are in their incubators and let a couple tears fall. The girls were surrounding Alex and Mason looking at them in awe. The doctor told us it was time to go back to my room, so I sat down in my wheel chair and Vanessa wheeled me back to my room.

Once we got back I ate my disguising food in my bed while the girls went home to shower, eat, and bring me back clothes. While I was watching re runs of Greys Anatomy, I decided I had to do something. I pulled out my phone, dialed a number waiting for the person to pick up.




HOW DO YOU GUYS LIKE IT?!?!?!?! I promise I didn't forget about you guys I was just really busy with school and sports:( it's literally been taking up my life.

I've decided that I want to talk to you guys more, so just message me on here and we can talk! I really want some internet friends and I want you guys to be them:)

xoxo gossip girl nah jkjk


Journeys• sequel to ABMOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz