chapter 9

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Jillian's POV

I woke up to see Hayes not next to me, the smell of bacon, and a lot of noise coming from downstairs. How can three boys make so much noise? I went to our closet and put on one of Hayes' flannels on since i was just in a sports bra and a pair of spandex, then i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, put my hair into a messy bun, and to put on my glasses. I heard more screaming coming from downstairs and i looked over at my phone and it was only 8:30 am. I walked out of the room and started making my way down the stairs to the kitchen, "Hayes how many times do i have to tell you to keep the boys-" i looked up to see everyone in my house including Connor, Kyle, Olivia, and Hannah. "No fucking way!!!!" i screamed jumping in my spot then running over to all of them engulfing them into a group hug. We all pulled away and i looked at all of them shocked, about to cry. The last time that we were all together in person was when they were on summer break for college over a year ago, and they've been at college for about 2 years while i've been at home doing community college. "What are you guys doing here? Don't you guys have school?" i asked looking at all of them. "Nope! School just got out a couple of days ago, and we haven't seen you in a while so we all decided to surprise you and catch up a little bit." Olivia said with a smile on her face. "I looked over at Hayes and he smiled at me and said " Go on the back deck and catch up. I got breakfast and your dad and everyone are watching the boys." I ran over to him and said good morning and gave him a kiss before heading out the back door.

We all sat at the patio table and looked around at each other "I've missed you guys so much!" i said to all of them smiling. "We've missed you too kid." Kyle said to me. "So what's been going on? i feel like we haven't talked in a brick." Hannah said to me, i just laughed because it's true we haven't all talked to each other in a really long time "Um i've been pretty good." i said looking down at my lap, they don't know about what's happened with Hayes and i, i didn't even tell them about the pregnancy. "Hey are you okay?" Connor asked. I sighed and started to speak "6 months ago i was pregnant with a girl, and 2 days ago we lost her." that's all i could say before i started to tear up but i wiped under my eyes quickly. "Hey hey hey, it's going to be alright babe." Hannah said and got up and hugged me and soon enough everyone else got up and hugged me as well. "Why didn't you tell us?" Connor asked sadly while everyone pulled away from the hug and sat back in their chair. "You guys were at school-" i started to say but then Kyle cut me off "Jill, it doesn't matter where we are, we are family, we tell each other everything no matter what it is." i smiled at him "I love all of you guys" i said when the back door opened and revealed Mason, "Daddy told me to come get you for breakfast!" "We'll be right in baby."i said back to him, "Well guys lets go eat." Olivia said getting out of her chair and heading for the door with us behind her.

We all sat down at the dining room table and ate the breakfast that Hayes cooked for all of us. I looked out the front windows and saw a big moving truck parked right across the street "You've got to be kidding me." i groaned "What's wrong babe?" Hayes asked, everyone looking at me. "People are moving in right across from us." i said looking at Hayes "Jillian it's a house people are allowed to move into it." Dad said to me laughing. "They won't be that bad!" Connor said to me "And how would you know?" i asked him "CAUSE WE ARE MOVING THERE BITCH!" Olivia yelled excitedly. "This isn't a fucking joke right? Cause if it is i'm going to be really pissed." I said standing up "Nope, we aren't kidding." Kyle said laughing at me "Awwww my second children are coming back!" Dad said getting all excited while i'm still trying to process what i just heard. "But what about school?" i asked sitting back down "We are finishing our last 2 years out here close to you, now sit back down." Hannah said to me "But what about your guys' parents?" Hayes asked "They all moved out of LA, and moved into beach houses." Hannah said back to him "My god i guess this is what happens when we don't stay in touch.." i mumbled "Well now you get to see our beautiful faces everyday!" Olivia said smiling "And i can't wait." i smiled back. Finally some good news.

We all finished breakfast and i cleaned up since Hayes made breakfast and after that all the guys went home because they had business meetings to attend and Hannah, Olivia, Connor, and Kyle all went to their house to unload the moving truck. I still can't believe they are living right across from me. I finished up the dishes and headed up to my bedroom to get ready for the day. I walked into the bedroom to see Hayes in a pair of basketball shorts getting ready in the bathroom. I took off his flannel and put it in the hamper in our closet and started looking for something to wear. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a pair of lips connect with my neck. "What do you want you goof?" I asked Hayes laughing, leaning my head back to rest against his chest. He spun me around and placed my back against the wall beside me, his body pressing up against mine "I want to go on a vacation, just you and I." He smiled, placing his hands on my hips "Where would the boys go?" I asked "Shay said that she can watch them." he responded "Then lets go on a vacation." I smiled placing my arms on his shoulders smiling. He leaned in and connected his lips with mine, this went on for a while until we heard banging on our bedroom door. "Daddy I need help!" Mason yelled, Hayes pulled away and sighed resting his forehead against mine, "Go and help him daddy." I .laughed starting to get ready once Hayes left the room. I took a shower and once I got out I wrapped myself in a towel and headed back to the closet to pick out my outfit. I threw on one of Hayes' short sleeve shirts and a pair of black Nike running shorts. I went to the bathroom put my hair in a braid and brushed my teeth, applied deodorant, and sprayed perfume.

I walked downstairs to see the boys playing in the living room and Hayes watching football. "So I was thinking that tonight we can have a cookout with your dad, your grandma, Sierra, Brent, my mom, Sky, and Nash, ya know just to have some family time." He said as I sat next to him on the couch "Yeah that sounds good, we haven't had all of us together in one place in a while." I smiled "Can you and the boys get food while I straighten up?" I asked him and he nodded. He got up and put his shoes on and waited on the boys. They left and i started cleaning the house.

After i was done cleaning i sat down on the couch and started watching Riverdale. Right as i pressed play the doorbell rang "You gotta be fucking kidding me." i huffed, paused the show, and got up to answer the door. I opened the door to see a man a little older then me standing there. I've never seen this man. "How are you?" i asked trying to be polite "Are you Jillian?" he asked "Yeah why?" i asked getting a little scared "I'm so glad i found you!" the man said hugging me. I pulled away very confused "I'm sorry but who are you?" i asked "I'm John..." he said a laughing lightly. I gave him a really confused look "I'm...I'm sorry but i don't know who you are..." i said "Jillian... I'm your brother..." Holy fucking shit.


i know it's been a brick school was a pain but now it's summer so look out for more updates!!!


love you all💗

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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Journeys• sequel to ABMUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum