Chapter 1

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Tris' POV

I'm walking to first period right now with Christina, but something seems a today. Everyone is quieter, girls are more hyped, and finally, the attention is off me. I hate attention, and it doesn't help that I'm popular.

We walk into the classroom and the first thing I see is a new kid. A boy, to be exact. He has white-tan skin, brown hair, and muscle without being too buff like many guys. I can't see his face since he's not facing me. I think he's talking to Zeke. No surprise, Zeke loves to make friends.

Zeke looks passed the mysterious guys face and see's Christina and I, his eyes lighting up. I smile and make my way over there but stop mid-step when the new guy turns around and looks into my eyes. His eyes are a dark blue and his face is just...oh my gosh. He has a partial upper lip and full lower-lip, a hooked nose, furrowed eyebrows, and like I said, gorgeous eyes. The class has went silent and are looking at the guy and I. I notice that his lips are slightly parted as if in awe, and his eyes are locked with mine but wide.

I come back from my daze and start towards them. Zeke has his childish smirk as he looks at me coming towards them, his arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"Hey beautiful-"Zeke starts and I hit the back of his head.

"I am not your girlfriend, tell Shauna that." I say and sit in my spot in front of the new guy while Chris sits in front of Zeke.

"You didn't let me finish.  I was going to say beautiful best friends." I just laugh a little and look at Chris who is looking at me with a grin.

I look behind me to find the guy looking at me. 

"Tris, Chris, this is Four. He's new and I invited him to sit with us at lunch." Zeke says and winks at me in the end, causing me to blush.

I look back at Four and smile. "So I'm just going to cut to the chase. You do realize almost every girl in here is staring at you.

He chuckles a little and grins a lopsided grin. "I o-only have my eyes on one girl though."

He stuttered. I've always thought of a smooth guy as a player, because they've had practice. I know I could be wrong about the guy, but I just don't like it very much. I like the fact that Four wasn't smooth. It means he isn't a player trying to get into my pants.

"Well, whoever this girl is, they are very lucky." I say playing around. 

I'm not self righteous or anything, but I can always tell when a guy is flirting or into me. People say it's a gift, because in the end I'm right.

I turn around because the teacher started talking. It's literature so I don't care if I pay attention or not. We are just reading what we read the night before in class. I did read it, the nerdy side of me was out last night. But tonight I'm going to plan out my bucket list.

My thinking somehow goes to Four. The blue-eyed boy behind me. The new kid. He is attractive. Very attractive. But I'm not sure whether or not I'd go on a date with him if it ever got to that. I've never really been one for dating and boyfriends. I'm one that likes to go on adventures with friends and have fun. But I also like to keep my grades up but I don't have to worry about that since I'm good in all of my classes. A relationship could ruin both of those though.

A boyfriend could bring drama causing both to go down-hill. I wouldn't be able to go on as many adventures if I had a boyfriend on board. My parents would worry that I'd get pregnant or something. A boyfriend could also mean that my grades would go down. My attention would be on my relationship and that wouldn't be very good.

Everyone in our group argues with me about how I nee a boyfriend and that neither of those things would happen, but I don't care. I haven't had my first kiss, let alone a date, and look at me. I have good grades and have fun. 

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