Part 1: Hello There

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"Frank!" Pete came running towards me. "What are you doing after school?"

"I got some homework to do but I might be free after that."

"Ok awesome, call me!" He said rushing off again.

I had one class left in the day and it was my worst subject, English. I know most people think it's super easy but I just don't understand it so most of the time I don't do it. As I walked into the classroom I noticed all the kids sitting quietly and I knew something was wrong. I took my place at the back of the class and waited. Sure enough a tall guy with super curly hair walked in.

" I know I am not what you were expecting to see," afro man said, "your usual teacher, Mrs. Parker, has very abruptly left, so I am your new teacher." He turned around and started writing his name on the board. Mr. Ray Toro. Cool name.

When I got out of my English class I went straight for my locker so I could quickly shove the books I didn't need in and go. When I got the the locker I noticed Bert and Bob, they were scaring some poor kid down the hall. Because I'm such a scardy cat I never have the guts to stand up to these poor kids. Bert and Bob have a cult following of the biggest homophobes ever. Because this is a Christian school most of the people here have no idea how to even accept what a homosexual is. I'm not saying it's just because I'm in a Christian school, I'm just saying it helps. Anyway, Bert and Bob have this cold blooded hatred for homosexuals and if you ever were to come out, they would probably kill you. Luckily there doesn't seem to be any homosexuals in my school, besides Pete. He's like the only person who could ever come out as gay and not get beat up. I dunno what it is about him but no one messes with him. Other than that I don't think there are any gays. Well, I guess you could never be sure.

When I got home I was greeted with my grinning messy faced little sister Jamia.

"Frankieeeeee!" She shouted as she came running into my arms.

"Hello Jamia! How was school today?" I asked trying to rub off some of the food that was stuck to her face.

"Good! I can count to 50!"

"Wow nice!" I said releasing her from our embrace and walking into the kitchen. My mom was standing there in a nice suit making what looked like a packed dinner.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Oh Frankie, I'm so glad you're home. I have to rush out to show a new house and then I have a meeting. I won't be back until late. Can you watch your sister please?"

"Yeah sure, where's Dad?"

"He won't be back until the day after tomorrow, they flew him out to L.A"

"Okay." I said kissing my mother on her cheek and saying goodbye. My parents are the busiest people ever. I barely ever see them and when I do they're super tired and need to sleep or are just about to leave again. My mother is a real estate agent to a huge company which she partly owns (hence the meetings and stuff) and my Dad is like the only guy who knows how to fix a certain kind of electrical outlet thing or something so he's always being flown to one place or another.

After setting my sister up in front of the TV I ran upstairs into my room. My room was actually the biggest bedroom in the house and it was positioned in the back of a long hallway so no one could ever hear me no matter how loud I shouted which is kinda nice but also kinda annoying. In my room was my bed in the middle, a bathroom on the left and a large window with a sitting place underneath it. I had a desk up against a wall next to my bed and almost any surface I could find was covered in posters. My room was always a private place for me. I don't even bring my friends in here usually. I like feeling like it's my place to hide from the world where no one can bother me. I dumped my books on my desk and then remembered Pete wanted me to call. I worked quickly and finished my homework and then I dialed his number.

After a few rings he picked up,

"Heeeeeeeeeey, what's up?" He said.

"Nothing much, just calling you back."

"Cool, you wanna come over?"

"I can't, I have to take care of my sister. You could come over here."

"Nah, I'm too lazy. See ya tomorrow." He said hanging up. A couple things you notice after knowing Pete for a while is he's actually quite mature for his age (He's a year younger than me) and that he never says goodbye when you talk to him on the phone.

After I did my homework and put Jamia to bed I brought out my guitar and worked on the songs I was writing. I was shit at lyrics but I always had a few lyrics I liked per song. My voice wasn't exactly the kind of voice you would think to come out of me. I am a very small person but I have quite a gravelly voice. My mom says it's amazing but I don't think anyone would like it.

After a while I got really tired so I took off all my clothes and got into bed. I dunno if this is weird but I like imagining someone is sleeping next to me. I don't know why I guess it's a comfort thing. I've never actually had anyone sleep beside me, well I had a girlfriend a couple years ago who slept on the floor next to me but that doesn't count. I know it's kinda weird for a 15 year old boy to not want a girlfriend but I really don't, I don't know why. I just don't find any girls interesting enough to spend more than a few hours a day talking to. I'm not saying I wouldn't want to be friends with them I'm just saying to be in a relationship I think, personally, you have to find a partner who's interesting enough that you learn something new about them everyday. I guess I just haven't found that person yet.

The next day I woke up and was so relieved because, it was a Friday *Angels Sing*. I got up and put on my stupid uniform for school, lined my eyes with eyeliner and straightened my hair. Yes, I am pretty emo. Most of the time because of the stupid uniform I don't look too emo but on weekends I like going all out. It's not because I'm overly depressed or anything, I mean, I'm not exactly happy all the time and I cut myself from time to time but I think I dress this way mostly because I like the style. When I walk downstairs my mom and sister are already gone as usual. I grab a quick bite to eat and start walking to school.

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