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they make fun of

the size of my eyes

and laugh and say "it's just a joke!

totally not racist."

they insult the non-existent space between my thighs

(no, not really.

but in their comments about their fat on their legs,

i feel the negativity on my own)


they mock my pronounciation

on species

and polaroid

so much that i begin to do it to others.

i never noticed that

'til now.


they moan and contend

over how bad their life is

like it's a competition

like i'm supposed to be jealous

of the one hour sleep you got

last night

and how hard it is to play high notes

on their instrument

i swear

i can't deal


they yell

"i'm so dumb!"

"so fat!"

and refuse to accept

any compliments

so much it starts to sound

like fishing

fishing for flattery

why do you do this?

how do i tell you to stop 

it's making me uncomfortable.

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