Sucks, Doesn't It?

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I was supposed to be somewhere tonight. I was supposed to be with the girl I love, but instead I'm sitting in the hospital waiting for tests and samples to come back telling me that I'm basically dying, even though I knew that already.

Laura doesn't come by often. To be honest, I doubt she cares. She has a whole life ahead of her, and she doesn't want me to hold her back. I'm basically useless, to her, and to everyone.

I'm just not sure I'm ready to let go of the world. I know that my hope is far from good, but I don't want to leave my parents, my friends, and I don't want to leave Laura.

I know that you probably think I'm crazy for saying that, since we have such a horrid relationship at the moment, but I miss her with all of my heart, and somehow, even if she doesn't want to be with me, I still want to be friends.

"Ross, how are you," my nurse said, walking in. I lightly smiled, trying not to show annoyance. I just wanted to think, but these nurses keep poking and prodding me every twenty minutes for something new. "I'm just here to check your blood pressure, and then your visitors can come in," she smiled. "What visitors?" I asked curiously. "Didn't you know?" she said frowning, while she pumps something on my arm. "Not really," I mumble. "Well, I guess you'll find out," she sweetly replied, putting away her tools and leaving.

Rocky and Ava then entered the room. "Woah, you look terrible," Ava said, and quickly covered her mouth. "Thanks," I rolled my eyes, and focused in on them. "What do you guys want? Shouldn't you be somewhere? And why does Rocky have a tux?" I asked with authority.

"About that, well, we really wanted Laura to have the time of her life at her prom, but there's no way she'll even stay for a half an hour with us being occupied," Rocky explained. "So you expect me to go and face the girl I cheated on, who hates me, and who said she never wanted to see me again, and make her fairy tale nigh come true? You have to be kidding me," I said. "I'm not leaving this hospital," I argued.

Ava looked at Rocky like she knew this would happen. "Don't you miss her?" she asked, and I shrugged my shoulders, my mouth not saying anything that could possibly be used against me. "Don't you want to make her feel special?" Rocky urged. "She is special, she doesn't need me to tell her that," I said before I could stop myself. "See? You still have feelings for her," Ava said. "Now, get on the tux, and start dressing up. We want this to be a night not just for her, but for you too," Ava smiled.


Do you know how boring it is to be alone at your prom? I bet not since nobody is alone on their prom! Not to mention that Ava and Rocky haven't even gotten here yet. They probably decided to bail on me since they want to hang out with people who don't bore them to death.

"Laura!" Hannah said, walking over to me. "Hey," I whispered. "What's wrong?" she asked concerned. "Nothing it's just-" "Laura!" Ava yelled walking to enclose me in a hug. "Woah, I was beginning to think you guys wouldn't show up," I smiled, walking over to my friends. "Well, we're here, so let's dance!" Ava suggested. I slowly backed out of the crowd, watching them all dance with their dates. I wish I could say I came with my friends, not my friends and their dates.

"Sucks, doesn't it, being away from all of them," he said, which made me turn around abruptly, shocked. "What are you doing here?" I stammered. "I would tell you, but I don't know, they made me come," he said, nodding over to Ava and Rocky, who were stealing glances at me, checking for a reaction.

"They made you come? But you're sick! You should't be here Ross!" I said, backing away from him. I wasn't really mad at him for cheating on me since I basically made him do it, so if he never finds out about what I did, I can forgive him for what he did.

"Yeah, well they made me pretty convinced that you were going to have a terrible night without a date," Ross said, leaning up against the wall. I gulped. "Well, I probably was," I said, as the atmosphere got more and more awkward.

"Look Laura, things don't have to be weird. So we had a thing, it's over. I'm living my last days and I kind of just want to share them with a really good friend," Ross eventually broke the silence. I briefly looked over at his saddening face.

I thought he was going to get better. I didn't want to believe that he was going to die. I wanted him to get through it, but maybe he won't. Maybe this fairy tale doesn't end happily ever after.

"Dance?" he said, offering his hand. I hesitantly put my had in his and we walked toward the middle of the gymnasium. It was fairly slow song, but not a overkill sappy love song, if you know what I mean. "How are you? It's been awhile," Ross whispered in my ear. A smile gently tugged at my lips and I whispered in his ear, "I'm okay, better now than before."

Ross slightly chuckled and we kept dancing, kind of acting like the past month never really happened, acting like Ross wasn't really dying, and acting like I wasn't really in love with him, even though I so totally am.

Would I admit to that though? Haha, never.


"Do you want a ride home Laura?" Ava asked, walking up to me outside the gym. "No, I'm good, Ross and I are going to catch a movie," I smiled, and Ava smirked at me. "I'm happy you two worked your differences out," she sighed. "Me too, but I just, I'm worried," I stuttered. "What for?" Ava asked. "That I'm going to get too close, and that when he dies, I won't be able to handle myself," I bluntly replied.

"Oh Laura," Ava chuckled, "If anyone is going to make it through this it's him. And about the relationship, don't worry, because literally everything that's kept you two apart is just more proof that for every single wrong reason, you're meant to be together," she winked.

"Thanks," I blushed, just as Ross pulled his car around. "Have fun," Ava whispered, pushing me toward the car. I walked towards his car and got in, shuddering at the fact that the last time I was in here I almost died. But, it's going to be okay this time.

"I was thinking Zaliens 17, but if you want to see a chick-flick, that's cool," Ross laughed. I smiled. "Zaleins sounds cool," I said, looking over to him. "Sweet!" Ross happily exclaimed.

"You don't ever think about the-" "The accident?" Ross finished for me. I slowly nodded. "Yeah, I mean, it's the reason I'm going to die, so I think about it a lot," he said, like it was a joke. "Ross, you don't deserve to die, it was me you were protecting!" I argued. "I did it to ensure you wouldn't end up here," he said seriously. "But why? Why am I so special? I'm just a girl," I hopelessly said. "Why am I even worth all of this trouble?" I asked, exasperated. He looked at me with glassy eyes. "Because Laura, it doesn't matter what I've done, it matters that you're okay, because no you're not special, you're extraordinary, and you, you're my forever," he said, blinking, trying to focus on me and the road at the same time.

"But, I've done such a horrible thing, and your heart doesn't even know it," I said, before I could stop myself. It was the guilt talking.

"What did you do?"


hey guys,

words cannot describe how busy and stressed I've been these past few weeks. I've barely had time for life to be completely honest.

i apologize if you hated it, but this is part of the story line, and trust me, things will get more dramatic and eventful.

also, the words ava said kind of define what my whole story is about, so if you're confused, just read her little bit there.

anyways, happy christmas season! its my favourite holiday, what about you?

leave comments about the chapter, christmas, or anything really! i'll reply to them all as soon as I can!

i love you all soon much thank you for being so patient with me

all my love,


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