Chapter 2: Why?...

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Hinata blushed feeling Kageyama brush up behind him feeling his member in his swim trunks. Kageyama blushed noticing that Hinata had to feel him. Even though they have done it before they actual get a lot embarrassed of it. "There's one thing I forgot to add to the list..." Hinata thought panicking. Kageyama ignored it like it didn't happen in the first place "Hinata. My eyes are stinging now cause of you." Hinata still in deep thought "That thing I forgot was....Kageyama's....dick..." Hinata thought to himself making him blush more. "Hey Hinata? What's wrong??" Kageyama questioned. Hinata still not answering him started thinking about last weekend. Hinata's whole thoughts were about Kageyama and him having rough sex in Kageyama's room. "Dumbass!" Kageyama yelled slapping Hinata upside the back of his head. Hinata looked at Kageyama "What?!?! Can't you see I'm thinking!!" Hinata shouted while pushing Kageyama away. "Ah!" Kageyama screamed losing his balance falling into the water.

Tsukki over hearing what was happening "Oh no. Are those two idiots having a fight?" Tsukki asked. "Appears so" Yamaguchi replied with his arms around Tsukki's neck and his legs wrapped around him as well "but it doesn't matter. I'm enjoying myself." Yamaguchi said touching noses with Tsukki. "Yeah me too." Tsukki said planting a kiss on Yamaguchi's lips. "Ya know some day I'm gonna make you YamaMama." Tsukki said smiling. "Gwahh! What?!?! That's embarrassing!!" Yamaguchi blushed and smiled. "Or would MamaYama sound better?" Tsukki asked. "Stop!" Yamaguchi begged cause he couldn't take the embarrassment. "Fine.." Tsukki said smiling and planting another kiss onto his lips.

"Huh? They're fighting?! I thought it wouldn't end up to that!!" Suga said to Daichi.  "It's them what do you except? Just let them get over it and pay attention to me.." Daichi said. "Of course! I just wanna make sure things go good for all of us." Suga replied. Daichi rolled his eyes when unexpectedly Suga planted a kiss on his neck. "Daichi you'll always be first on my list. How about we have some 'practice' tonight just the two of us. Alone in a nice little room" Suga whispered into his ear. Daichi blushed hearing this from Suga "Sounds wonderful to me Baby.." Daichi said grabbing Suga pulling him into his lap. "Wonderful then I can't wait..." Suga smiled then wrapped his arms around Daichi's neck then kissed him. 

Kageyama springed back up out of the water coughing. "Dammit! Hinata!!" Hinata by that time made it out of the water up onto the sand. Hinata ran back to the bus as fast as he could "Dammit. Kageyama..." Hinata said as he got into the bus. He sat in the very back with his elbows on his knees and his hands on his face covering his face. "Why?..." Hinata asked. Kageyama ran to find Hinata as fast as he could "I'll check the bus first. Hinata why did you run off?..." Kageyama thought running as fast as he could panting for air.

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