2 years ago...

8 2 0

"I would like to introduce the graduates of 2016!" Principal Jayden says through a microphone on the stage as we all stand up and wave towards the rest of the people in the school.

We all sit down again as Principal Jayden starts his speech. "What a road it has been" he starts smiling, "we started off amazing year last year, earning some new scholarship students who are an amazing group of people. We came over to France after an unfortunate event and lost students, we had an amazing pantomime put on by the class of 2016 themselves and we sadly lost a few special people who meant a lot to us."

"I wish the class of 2016 the best of luck in their later life and hope I will see you again some day" He says waiting for us to stand up, "now to the graduation."

He calls each of our names out one by one, all going on to the stage and collecting our diplomas. I smile as Owen, Briony, Beth, Chloe, Brooke, Jake, Joe, George and Luna collect their diplomas. When he calls my name out I stand up and walk onto the stage, I shake hands with Jayden as he passes my diploma and I walk to stand over by everyone else.

After everyone got their diplomas we smile and laugh, counting down - "3, 2, 1!" And throw our graduation hats into the air. We group hug and walk off the stage as the ceremony ends.

"We graduated guys!" I say excitedly pulling them into another group hug.


"Even though we've had our ups and downs, we finally finished school together" Beth laughs, "and may the best come to our future. I hope for the best of Chloe after the little secret we found out a few months back but we have gotten over that and you will always still be our friend Chloe!"

Chloe laughs and wipes away a tear that had fallen. We're currently at the graduation party that is being held in the main hall which is closed off to the rest of the school years. "Thank you everyone, it was hard keeping the secret in but I'm glad it's out there" Chloe smiles hugging Luke, "a toast to the class of 2016."

"The class of 2016" Everyone repeats and then starts dancing away.

It gets later into the night and everyone is still getting drunk and having fun, a lot of people have gone off to other people's room most likely doing you know what.

Right now I'm against a row of lockers, just outside the main hall, making out with, what's his face again, oh yeah, Ivan! I don't exactly know how we ended up like this but let's just say it involved a lot of Strongbow Dark fruit, vodka shots and dancing. What can I say though? I'm drunk and you do stupid things when you're drunk - I wouldn't class this as stupid though cause, between you and me, Ivan is a good kisser.

You're probably thinking but what about Brody?! It's not like we're together and that date? Yeah, never happened. Nope, he cancelled due to "business" and hasn't made up for it.

I feel Ivan slowly and sloppily kiss his way down my neck and then bite into it - I guess he's not as drunk as I am. That's if the alcohol effects him, probably does - maybe it doesn't. I gasp slightly as I feel his teeth sink in and suck my blood, honestly you get used to it once it's happened like 3 times and doesn't hurt as much.

He retracts his teeth and kisses back up my neck, leaving bloody kiss marks on it. We go back to making out before someone drags Ivan off of me. "What the hell are you doing man?!" Ivan exclaims to the guy, who I can't even focus on cause I'm that drunk.

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