A whole lot a trouble

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The image above is of Jack! Isn't he gorgeous! (Girly squeal) I also chose the song Breaking the habit by Linkin Park because it represents Elyshia's feelings in a part of this chapter. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Elyshia POV

"You seriously need to explain your situation here, Brody" I say pacing up and down the room with my hands on my forehead, "Is it that bad that you just had to turn me into a vampire?"

"Ah, no but" he hesitates trying to come closer to me but I stop him, "Elyshia I haven't made that woman pregnant and I've never even met her. How can I get someone pregnant if I've never even met them?"

I let out an exaggerated sigh, it turns out that Brody went and told my friends that I was a vampire even though it was pretty obvious with the physical changes but I could have told my friends myself. "That didn't answer my question Brody!"

"This alpha can kill a human within a matter of seconds, whereas for a vampire you have to stake them, rip off their heads or pull out their hearts" He explains slowly, "the alpha is after me but he's trying to get to you because he knows that if he gets you I'll come and get you."

"So I've been dragged into the mess because I'm your blood partner or mate or whatever?" I question frowning towards him, "you could have at least tried to keep me out of it."

"I tried to keep you out of it but the night of the meal blew your cover, you can smell when a wolf is near you because they smell really bad, just don't let them get you" he sighs slumping onto the sofa and rubs his forehead.

I walk into the kitchen and go through the mini fridge to see it fully stocked up with the blood we got Chloe last month. Oh no, I quickly run up to her bedroom and open her door to find the bags of blood from a few months ago still full. I run back downstairs to find Brody still on the sofa, but he was looking at me worriedly.

"What's the matter?" He asks standing up and walking towards me.

"We have a problem" I say breathlessly looking up to him.

"What is it?"

"Either Chloe's drinking straight from a human or she's not even a vampire" I whisper as horror fills inside me.

"How exactly did you get that conclusion?" Brody laughs, "vampires aren't aloud to drink straight from the human."

"Then please explain to me how our mini fridge is still full of last months blood supply and that the blood bags from other months in Chloe's room aren't even open" I say with a hard expression.

"Unless Chloe wasn't even a vampire all this time?" Brody questions confused, "or she's a werewolf which explains why those werewolves who came to the door today asked for her."

"She's becoming so distant lately" I sigh dropping onto the sofa, "like we never even see her anymore."

As if on cue, Chloe's laughter as well as Luke's voice fill the room as they walk over into the room. "Oh hey Elyshia" Chloe composes herself, "I didn't realise Brody started visiting?"

"Well he lives in the city now," I reply not amused by her lack of interest of us or her friends, "I thought you would know but you've been spending a lot of time with you boyfriend."

"Well I mean we are blood partners, so it is understandable" she says as her face drops.

"Wait?" Luke chimes in frowning, "blood partners? You mean mates? We're not mates."

"What?" All of us chorus, including Brody, as we stand up again.

"If we were mates we would have noticed like two years ago" Luke explains, "I love you a lot Chloe but we're not mates."

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