I bit my lip and moaned, he was making it feel so good. He grabbed my lower back and swung me around so that I was pressed against the wall. He stopped kissing my neck and now he just stared with a devious grin. His brown eyes scanning my face, I felt my face grow hot. I wasn't used to getting this intimate or close with anyone, he looked at my lips then at my eyes then back at my lips. We had been dating for a good 5 months, the only problem is. He's 27 and I'm 15, I wasn't supposed to be out tonight, but I told my mom that I was staying the night at Regina's. She's a really good friend of mine, I've known her for 6 years now.
He looked at my lips once more before cupping my cheeks and pushing his lips against mine. My heart fluttered and I felt giddy. He pulled away, and let go running his hand through his chocolate locks.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked looking down, he turned around and began to gather my stuff. I looked at him, he didn't even maintain eye contact.
"Nick, please answer me." I pleaded while walking towards him and grabbing his arm. He looked at me, and sighed in defeat.
"I can't keep doing this Ari. You're my everything you know that, but..but I think we should take some time apart...." He said pursing his lips. I was shocked he was my world, without him I was vulnerable! He made me feel like I was safe and secure, that we could overcome any challenge.
"What....? No no Nick I love you, can't you see that??" I whispered. My eyes glazed over with the threat of tears spilling out.
"You know it's wrong! I'm too old, if we get caught together I could go to jail! Listen maybe when you're older you'll understand." He said handing me my bag and standing completely up. I took the bag and just clutched it to my chest. My world was closing in on me.
"Please Nick don't do this..." I said, barely audible. My eyes stung. I wanted to cry but for some reason all I could do was stare as my heart shattered into tiny pieces. He looked at me worriedly.
"Are you okay?" He asked, but I couldn't hear him over the pounding in my head. The room began to spin and mix around in circles before it went black.

Wanted love
Acak15 year old Ariana Hooser is faced with an epidemic, either give up her soulmate and move along or travel with him on an enthralling adventure. The only catch is he's wanted and isn't who he says he is....