Before you judge me

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Some people look at me when I pray I don't judge who they believe in so I kinda hoped they wouldn't judge me but I guess I was wrong people always Tell me to take of my scarf and how stupid I look in my scarf I just tell them when I pray Allah "god" listens to me and answers my prayers the only thing I have to live for is the holy Quran "Holy Bible for Muslims" without it I would be walking on the wrong side of the road the only person who does not judge me for everything I am or what I did is Allah "God" we are who we are we are not perfect or beautiful but to Allah "God" we are one of a kind I kinda thought I would give advice to people out there who are being judge about there religion or how they look or how they pray just know if you feel sad lonely and feel like your nothing go and pray in the Holy Quran for Muslims it says "I will not judge you for who you are or who you want to be and you will not judge me for who I am or who I want to be we all will be treated equally" so your just as special as any person who makes you seem to regret your religion what every religion you are just remember to pray and if anyone come up to you and makes fun of who you are or what kind of religion you are tell them "Before you judge me make sure your perfect and stop judging me for who I am" trust in Allah in god and he will guide you to the right path just take a chance I dare you

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