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It was the day before my eighteenth birthday and I was ecstatic to see what this year's birthday surprise would be. Each year my family came together to buy a large gift to help me check off things on my bucket list. This year my grandmother wouldn't even discuss any sort of birthday party or details about my birthday. It was absolutely killing me not knowing anything about what was going on. The worst part was I hated surprises because it would give me something to overthink and over thinking was my favorite thing to do around this time of the year. Throughout the day I had nothing to do because my mother was at work and my grandmother was ignoring my calls. I grabbed my phone once again to try to call her for what felt like the thousandth time today. I heard her voice mail pick up and with a roll of the eyes I quickly ended the call.

"Rude," I said to myself as I threw my phone down on the couch next to me, "What to do? What to doooo-." I began to drag out the last word until I heard my phone go off to tell me I had a twitter notification. Leaning over to pick up the phone I brought it in front of me. Looking at the lit screen all I saw was an update account on where One Direction was and pictures of the boys with fans. Yes, I am a huge fan of this world famous boy band. I have loved these boys since they were on the European X Factor thanks to YouTube and Twitter. I have not only opened my heart for these five boys but also the amazing sisters and some brothers I have made over the internet from fangirling over the cuties! As I continued to scroll through my timeline on twitter I couldn't help but notice how everyone seemed to be freaking out that they were back in London and would be there for a few months. Shaking my head at the fans freaking out I just continued to go through all of my social media, posting a quick selfie and liking a bunch of pictures on Instagram. While taking my time playing on my phone and talking to friends the day drug on. I looked at the time on my phone and realized that it was time to was finally time to get ready for the party tonight.

I quickly ran upstairs while opening the music app to play music to keep me company. I hopped into the shower and took a quick yet thorough shower. As I got out I wrapped a towel around my body to help keep me warm while I blow dried my hair. After what seemed like forever my hair was finally dry and I was ready to apply my makeup. I took my time on my makeup to make sure that it was perfect and not a hot mess like it seems to always be. Once my makeup was to my liking I walked into my connected room and went over to my closet opening the doors. Scanning over what I had to wear I chose a black dress with a white and black blazer. I slipped into the dress and walked over to find some accessories to go with the outfit. Looking over every necklace I had I chose my red statement necklace and some red rose earrings to match. Giving myself a once over in my full body mirror I smiled at my reflection and walked out to find my mother sitting at the table waiting for me.

"Are you ready for your party Honey?" she asked in her sweet voice.

"You bet!" I replied with a grin.

"Well then whatare we waiting for? Let's go." She stood up from her stool and opened thedoor for me. My mother looked beautiful in her long purple maxi dress andwedged sandals; her blonde hair cascaded down her back in ringlets that bouncedas she walked. I followed behind to the waiting car and got in to head to myparty.    

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