three, week 11

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The next morning, Louis made Harry waffles.

Then Harry threw them up in the shower.

Dianne had said the morning sickness would stop by the end of the first trimester, and Harry was really awaiting that time.

Considering he was only in his eleventh week, Harry was sure the morning sickness would last until the third month. It was gradually getting better, but Louis still had to rub his back and hold him and that wasn't something he dreaded.

And that morning, he learned Louis really loved to hum to him.

While rubbing his back, Louis hummed verses of some Alabama Shakes song that Harry had become familiar with in weeks prior. He really didn't love them all that much, but when Louis was making them spaghetti on Thursdays and he danced to them with air guitar and sang into a spatula they really didn't seem all that bad.

And his tummy didn't hurt so terribly with Louis around, which absolutely horrified him.

The baby already adored Louis, just as Harry did.

Nonetheless, it was not romantic.

Not for Louis, who was panicking trying to get up and head to his office (even though he spent a few hours there and then left to go home and write in his own space.)

And most definitely not for Harry, who was head deep in the toilet bowl puking his guts out and trying not to cry himself all the way to work.

And really not for the little blob inside Harry's tummy, who had to deal with the little flutters in Harry's stomach every time Louis touched him.

But in a few minutes, Harry was wearing a jacket of Louis' (it smelled of him, he said when Louis eyed him as he pulled it from the hall closet) and rushing out the door behind Louis who carried a leather briefcase and wore these gorgeous black chino dress pants. Harry swooned at this, petting his tummy to thank his baby for keeping calm.

Work went by slow for Harry. His kids were started to look at him oddly, as if he had changed in the last month. Which he definitely had, but the group of first graders couldn't quite put the pieces together. So they just stared, and Harry didn't quite like it.

On the other hand, Louis' day went by awfully fast. He typed and typed away. And he was horribly worried by the fact every word was about Harry. His column readers would love the drama, especially in the crazy little stories he'd been writing about the Harry and also Mark. Mark who had eaten Harry's puke, and Harry who doesn't like Alabama Shakes. Both were equally crazy, he concluded before the editor allowed him to leave an hour. early because he absolutely loved his progress in the past month.

And when Louis arrived home, he sat on the couch and stared at the old spiral ceilings of his apartment. He turned on the tv in hopes of some Parks and Recreation making him a little less uneasy.

And Harry was slaving over his laptop in his own home, that felt far too quiet compared to Louis'. Usually there was laughing and keyboard clicks and Louis chewing whatever baked good Harry had brought him that day.

But soon enough, Harry was setting up pregnancy trackers and calendars and researching himself and all the things he should be doing.

He was quick to learn that at ten weeks, his baby was the size of a kumquat. This he had to google and later compare the shape with his fingers to his stomach. He grinned far too wide, leaving his t shirt up to be able to see the way his belly is growing so rapidly. It was also noted that his stomach size shouldn't be really a bump but a little pudge, which it was. After researching he's sure to wash his hands, to keep his little peanut from getting viruses.

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