The Case

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You were sitting desk when your boss came by holding a case file. "(Y/N), I have a case for you..." S/he said nervously. "Sure, what's it on?" You asked. "I'm sorry, you were the only one left who could possibly bring this sick b*****d to justice." S/he said.

"Okay but who is the killer?" You asked. You specialized in serial killers since you had a degree in criminal psychology. "Medic. I'm so sorry (Y/N)!" Your boss said.

You read over the file. Mostly Medic targeted females, the sight of the crime scenes disturbed you a bit. You sighed and said "I'll take on the case."

"Please be careful! He's extremely intelligent and from the look of it, extremely strong." Your boss said. You nodded and read over each of the reports from each crime scene.

Each of the scenes got more and more gruesome, but what got you was the last scene. The body had burn marks, a sign of being repeatedly shocked. It also had numerous puncture wounds caused by a small knife. The fatal wound was a deep stab wound in the stomach from a medical bone saw.

"From the looks, she was alive during all this. No drugs were found in the system so she was aware of everything that was happening, poor thing. She bled out after at least fifteen minutes." You thought.

Time skip to after work
You arrived home before dark, when Medic was bound to be out searching for a victim. Needless to say, you didn't want to end up being his latest victim.

"From the look of it, I'll have to try and get him to go after me. But, what's going to stop him from killing me on the spot? What can I do to try and convince him to let me live a bit longer?" You thought.

You never wore makeup (I don't either. I really don't see the point of it, just be happy with what you have people. Not that difficult) so you just went to bed and read about the psychology of serial killers.

After finishing the book you went to bed. About midnight you had the feeling you were being watched, but dismissed it. You went to get some water and watched TV for a little while, it was a Saturday so you didn't have to work.

"Still, I could go out and see if I can draw Medic's attention. But still, there's that what if. What if he isn't interested in me? What if he just kills me on the spot? What if he already left the county?" You thought.

You sighed and went back to bed.
The dream

You were walking around the streets late at night, around eleven. You didn't know where you were going, you were just walking. You then had the feeling that you were being followed, against your training you glanced over your shoulder to see a masked individual following you. He quickened his pace, as did you. Soon enough you were running as was he. He quickly caught you and killed you.

In reality
You awoke at nine in a cold sweat. You looked around the room and relaxed when you found that you were safe in your bed. You then checked for any scratches or cuts as dreams are often affected by what happens to you in the physical world.

Nothing. No cuts or scratches, no injuries. You sighed in relief and texted your boss to tell him/her that you were going to go undercover as a civilian to try and draw Medic's attention. You were told to be careful and make sure you escaped before becoming a victim.

Now all you had to do was wait until nightfall to see what would happen.

Why Me (Serial Killer! Medic X Detective! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now