Awakening (your POV)

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I awoke to see the world was upside down. "What... Happened? Am I... Still under the effects of whatever he did to me?" I asked myself quietly. I looked around and noticed that I was hanging from the ceiling, by my wrists and ankles.

"God that hurts!" I said. A dark figure looked over at me and slowly approached me. "No no no no no no no no! Please no!" I pleaded. It kept advancing towards me.

I squeezed my eyes shut "Öffne deine Augen (open your eyes)." He said coldly. I didn't understand what he said, but I opened my eyes. I yelped when I saw the man standing in front of me.

He had blood all over him, even on his face. He held my face in his hand so I couldn't move. Not like I could've if I wanted to anyway, cos of the shackles on my wrists and ankles keeping me from escaping. I whimpered in fear of what he would do to me in my defenseless state.

I stared him in the eye, he stared back. There was no emotion that I could read from him, only a cold, calm stare. "What do you want from me?" I asked after a while. He paused as though to think "I am not sure vat is it zat I vant from you. I do not know if I vant your company, or demise. I only know zat I vant you here. I vill decide vat to do vith you later. Until zen." He released my from my restraints and caught me in his arms before I could hit the floor.

"Du bist mein gefengene (you are my prisoner)." He said with a sadistic grin. I gulped as he gently put me down "He doesn't want to hurt me from the look of it. That doesn't mean he won't or is unable to. He just seems unsure." I thought.

"Come here!" He commanded. I ran to him and found him in a kitchen like room. "You called?" I said breathless. He motioned for me to sit, he then sat across from me and stared at me. He didn't do anything else, he just stared.

"Can I help you?" I asked uncertain of if I should've spoken. "I-I'm sorry!" I said quickly in an attempt to save myself from torture. "Zere is no reason to apologize. Und you can help me, sit zere und allow me to observe you. Zere is dinner on ze table over zere, go eat." He said calmly.

I obeyed and got dinner, I then got him some food too. I walked over to him and gave him his dinner, I then went to get mine. As soon as I sat down he stared intently at me.

I did my best to ignore his staring "There has to be a reason for this. Just do as he says and you'll live." I thought. As I was eating I couldn't help but glance at him from time to time to see if his expression had changed at all.

Every time I would make eye contact with him I could've sworn that I would see a small, shy smile and a light blush on him. "Does he like me?! Is that why he blushes when I look at him? That has to be it! One way to find out." I thought.

I picked up both of our plates and as I passed by him, I gulped and kissed his cheek. I could taste blood, but the question was whose blood was it? I gulped as I put the plates in the sink and washed them.

I then felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist. I glanced over my shoulder to be face to face with him. "So zen, it appears zat you like me. Ja?" He asked with a small smirk. He also had a look of hope "Is he hoping that I say that I like him?" I thought.

I stood there not knowing what to think. "Hmm... I vill spare you. You haff done vat I ask, und more zan I expected. You vill live, I promise." He said. He then released me and walked off somewhere. I sighed in relief "At least he won't kill me, I'm still his prisoner though." I thought.

I wondered if me kissing his cheek had any direct connection to my survival. Probably not but still, there's that chance.

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