Dead Bodies Everywhere

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KoRn references. Am I the only one here who knew this was a KoRn song? Please tell me I'm not, someone has to know this is a KoRn song. Also I love Batman so I had to add this

You were washing dishes when Medic came back from whatever he was doing. "Come vith me." He said. He led you off to a large, dark room. He turned on the lights and you gagged.

The room had dead bodies all over. Some were still bleeding from whatever he did to them. "Impressed?" He asked "Why would I be impressed by this?!" You asked while trying not to throw up from the smell.

He smirked at you "I see. You vant to vatch ze torture. Wunderbar idea Fraü!" He said as he laughed insanely before going off to find someone. He returned shortly with a young male.

"Zis is Scout. I used to verk vith him." Medic explained. He told you to go into a room with a glass window, he attached something to Scout before going in the room with you.

Scout awoke soon enough to find himself bound to a chair. Medic then pressed a red button and Scout started screaming. Medic smiled sadistically as he held the button down and Scout screamed and cried pleading for the burning to end.

"What are you doing to him?" You asked. "Shocking him." Medic replied. After five minutes he released the button and Scout sat in the chair shaking uncontrollably. Medic then left the room and approached Scout with a scalpel.

"H-hey let me go!" Scout said "Nein!" Medic said sharply as he started to cut into Scout's chest. Scout screamed loudly from the pain "P- please s- stop! I- I'm b- begging ya! P- please s- stop!" He said as Medic pulled out his spleen.

Medic grinned sadistically as he examined the spleen. "A beautiful specimen. Eat it." He said as he force fed his poor victim his own spleen. You looked away as you heard gagging and crying.

The cries stopped so you looked to see the poor boy crying silently with duct tape covering his mouth to muffle his screams and cries. Medic then returned with a bone saw. He smirked evilly at his victim as he cut into Scout's chest and cut his ribs. Which he pulled out and threw off in random directions.

He then carried the poor boy to a table and tied his wrists and ankles to it. He then started a machine which turned a wheel. You looked away and cried as you heard muffled screams, cries, and pleas for life. You quickly heard a sickening ripping sound and knew what had happened.

You didn't want to but you looked at the scene. Blood was everywhere, organs were scattered around, various body parts were strewn across the ground, Medic stood in front of the torture device. He was covered in blood and he had intestines on his shoulder.

He turned to look at you, grinning sadistically at the mess he had made. He then walked over to you so you balled yourself up and begged him to not do that to you. He gently grabbed your chin and tilted your head upwards "I am not going to do zat to you. So, impressed yet?" He asked with a sadistic grin.

You whimpered "Why would you make me watch that?!" You asked. "I vas only trying to impress you dear." He said calmly. "That's not how you impress me!" You said. Medic chuckled "I vill figure out how to impress you soon enough sveetheart." He said.

He then went to clean up the mess he had made. "Go on to sleep darling." He said so you went to your designated room. You tried to focus on other things rather than the grotesque murder you had just witnessed. It didn't work.

You awoke at midnight screaming from the nightmare you had been in moments before. Medic bursted in your room with the bone saw ready to kill anyone else in the room. He calmed down a little as he walked over to you.

He knelt down and gently held your face "Are you alright? I heard screams, I vanted to make sure you vere okay." He said softly. "I- I'm alright. J- just a nightmare is all." You said. He gently caressed your face "Vould you like to stay vith me for ze night? I vill not allow anyzing to hurt you, nor vill I hurt you." He said kindly.

You could hardly believe what you were hearing. This man had no problem torturing and brutally killing someone, yet he showed you compassion. Why was that? You nodded shyly which made him chuckle. It wasn't dark or evil, it was kind.

He smiled a little as he picked you up bridal style and carried you to his room. When he got there he gently tucked you into his bed "Zere. Now try to get some sleep dear. If you haff a nightmare I vill be here to protect you." He said as he climbed into his bed and fell asleep.

You tried to fall asleep but you were plagued by nightmares. When you woke up you found yourself with your head on Medic's chest and his arms wrapped around you. Strangely you felt safe in his arms, that he wouldn't allow anything to hurt you just as he had promised.

You snuggled into his chest and fell asleep to the calming sound of his heartbeat.

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