A Week later

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Every night for a week you would go out and walk around to see if you could lure Medic to you. You never did anything, you just walked around the same route. You went to a park and walked around until you found a spot to sit.

You sat and sighed. "Somezing wrong Fraü?" A male voice asked. You turned around to be met with a male, he was tall. Around seven feet, he wore a cream colored vest with a white dress shirt underneath. (His casual outfit) he walked over to you and sat next to you.

"Just stressed about my job is all." You said the man smiled at you "I understand zat. Mein old jobs vere stressful as vell." He said. You sat with the man and talked with him "He's such a gentleman. I don't come across guys like him often." You thought.

He then smirked evilly at you "What are you doing?" You asked. He didn't reply, he only stood at full height. He towered over you and smiled sadistically.

You crawled backwards to try and escape, he only advanced towards you. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe "Zis vill only sting for a moment." He said with a sadistic grin.

You gulped and sprinted as fast as you could to try and escape, the man pursued you and easily caught up. After running for at least twenty minutes you hid and sat down to catch your breath.

Your POV
I sat behind something, I didn't know what it was. I sat there for at least two minutes before I heard someone running. I held my breath and kept my breathing as even and silent as I could.

"She could not haff gotten far, I saw her run here." He said. I kept my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't be discovered. "I know zat you are here Fraü. Come here, I promise zat I vill not hurt you. I only vant to talk to you." He said.

A small part of me wanted to believe him, that he wasn't going to hurt me. Against my judgement I cautiously approached him. He turned to look at me and grinned "Wunderbar. I did not haff to search for you. Zank you for making zis easier for me." He said with a smirk.

"Make what easier?" I asked cautiously. He grinned and pulled out a rag. "Now zen, hold still." He commanded. I backed away from him slowly before backing into a tree. He trapped me so I closed my eyes and waited for death.

"Vat are you doing Fraü?" He asked "Waiting for death." I said. "I am not going to kill you. I haff not decided on vat to do vith you just yet. Who knows, I may allow you to live as mein gefengene (prisoner, captive)."

"What?" I asked. "Mein prisoner." He said with a smirk. I gulped and tried to back away, I couldn't back away any further than I already was.

He smirked at me sadistically "Quite ze problem you haff zere. Allow me to... Fix zat for you." He said those last four words in a deep, dark voice.

"I-I'm fine, but th-thanks anyway." I said fearfully. He chuckled darkly as he pressed the rag onto my face. I tried to fight him off but he was stronger than me. I coughed a bit as the world slowly faded into darkness.

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