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A/N: Hello everyone!! Thanks again for all the votes. They mean the world to me. So here's the next chappy..

"It might disturb you, professor, Potter has been poisoned."

"What?!" shrieked Sirius.

"What kind of poison Poppy?" asked McGonagall, who was now standing beside sleeping Harry.

"I don't know. I was not able to detect the poison," explained Madam Pomfrey, "but I think the poison will keep attacking him. We need a healer. I'll contact St. Mungo's as soon as possible. I have given him a potion for his stomach pain. It will keep him asleep for few hours."

"I expect you will stay with Harry, Sirius?" asked Dumbledore, to which Sirius nodded, "I think it will be better if we don't tell Harry that he has been poisoned."


True to its words, the pink coloured potion kept Harry sleeping for almost 2 hours. But his sleep was not peaceful. He kept whimpering in his sleep. He would curl up in a tight ball, then suddenly turn to his side tightly clutching his belly. Sirius felt helpless. He didn't know what to do when Harry stirred like this.

Harry woke up 10 minuted later. His stomach ached really badly. He tried to be as quiet as possible not wanting to wake Sirius up. But he couldn't hold it for long. Sirius woke up when he heard a moan from Harry. He found him crying, clutching his belly tightly.

"It's okay. Does it hurt?" he asked gently as he stroked Harry's hair. Harry gave him a nod. Sirius sat on the stool beside Harry's bed. "Okay tell me where it hurts," he pulled his shirt up and placed his hand on his bare stomach. Harry moved his godfather's hand lower on his belly. "Does it hurt here?" Sirius asked. Harry gave him another nod, and then whimpered.

"Is it as bad as before?" Sirius asked as he rubbed slow circles on Harry's stomach. "No," whined Harry.

Madam Pomfrey got to know what was going on and she gave Sirius a bag full of hot water. Muggles called it a heating pad. He slowly placed the heating pad on Harry's stomach, which relaxed him a bit. We went to sleep immediately.

But this effect was not permanent. Harry woke up about 40 minutes later due to the terrible pain in his stomach. The whole school would have woken up due to Harry's screams if Dumbledore hadn't placed a Silencing charm on the hospital room before leaving last night. Sirius tried to comfort him as he curled up in a tight ball on his side.

Suddenly Harry sat up with a green tint on his face. Sirius sensed it and quickly placed a bucket under his chin. Harry threw up blood again.

"It's okay pup. Let it out," said Sirius, trying to comfort his sick godson. Harry groaned and cried, "it hurts..." He pressed his hands into his stomach, tears falling down his cheeks.

"I know it does Prongslet. It will go away soon," assured Sirius, though he wasn't sure himself. The way the poison was attacking Harry, Sirius was close to tears himself. If it was because of seeing his godson in pain, or because of the fear of loosing James' last memory and his godson forever, Sirius didn't know. Maybe it was both.

"Sirius what's wrong with me?? Why does it hurts so much?" Harry cried, clutching his belly tighter and moaning as another painful cramp hit him. This is what Sirius had feared, "Umm.. nothing Harry. Madam Pomfrey says there is a little infection down there in your tummy. That's why it hurts. It will go away soon." he lied.

Madam Pomfrey, who had gone to fetch a potion for Harry, returned with the same pink coloured potion and handed it to Harry. He gulped the potion down slowly.

"It is better?" asked Sirius, to which Harry replied "Yes a lil."

"Go to sleep pup," Harry turned time his side and, with some help from Sirius, he laid down on his bed. Sirius covered his godson with his blanket. Harry closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After making sure Harry was sleeping, Madam Pomfrey said, "We can let him live off this potion. It's dangerous if taken often."

Sirius stroked Harry's hair, "When is the healer arriving?"

"I had contacted Teresa. She will be here by 8 o' clock."

"Teresa is coming?" Sirius exclaimed.

"Yes. I reckon you know her." Sirius smirked at her reply.

"How long will he be asleep?" Sirius asked

"One hour at least."

"Please take care of him. I'll go see how Remus is doing." Madam Pomfrey gave him a nod.


Sirius and Remus sat on the bed in Remus' bedroom. Sirius told him all that happened.

"How is he now?" Remus asked him. "Sleeping. The poison keeps attacking him. I just don't know what to do!" Sirius replied.

"The healer is coming right?" Sirius nods at him. "You know Moony, I feel like I failed. I promised Prongs and Lily that I'll take care of Harry in their absence. I failed as a godfather." Sirius's face was in his hands.

"Sirius, Harry needs you now. You have to remain strong for him." Sirius gave him a nod and lifted his face up.

"Do you think I can see him?" Remus asked Sirius. "Yes, but he's asleep. I don't know when he will wake up."

"You look tired Padfoot. I think you should get some rest. I'll be with Harry." Sirius nodded again as Remus made his way out of the bedroom.

Harry woke up again in the morning around 7. His stomach ached. But not as bad as before. He grabbed his stomach as he turned to his back.

"Hey Prongslet," said a familiar voice. Harry turned to see Remus instead of Sirius beside his bed, "stomach still hurting?" Remus asked softly.

"Not as bad as before," he said. Doors opened and Ron and Hermione entered the hospital wing.

"How are you Harry?" asked Ron as he stood beside him. "Better than yesterday night" he replied, "but it still hurts."

Suddenly, Harry's stomach gave a lurch. "Remus, I think I'm going to be sick," said Harry. Remus quickly grabbed him and led him to the bathroom, followed by Ron and Hermione.

As soon as they entered the bathroom, Harry began to throw up in the toilet, blood again. Remus rubbed his back as he continued. Harry gave a cry and clutched his stomach tightly. "Remus it hurts!!" he cried out aloud. "It's okay. Shh..." Remus tried to calm Harry. He tried to lead him out of the bathroom, but Harry was weak due to the blood loss. He wasn't able to walk, so Remus had to carry him to his bed.

Madam Pomfrey was called and she had to give him the pink potion, which reduced some amount of pain. But Harry kept moaning and whining. She also made him take Blood-Replenishing potion for his blood loss.

The pain subsided around 30 minutes later. Sirius returned as he couldn't help worrying about his godson. Just then, when Ron and Hermione tried to cheer Harry up, floo nearby was heard getting activated. Madam Pomfrey rushed out of the hospital.
After a few minutes, she returned with a woman who looked like a healer. That must be Healer Teresa, thought Harry.

"There he is," said Madam Pomfrey as they came near to Harry's bed.

"Hello Harry, I heard you aren't well?" she  said.

A/N: Urg.. hate seeing Harry in pain. I am really sorry if you don't like it. But please stay tuned because I promise the plot is good. See you soon. And don't forget to vote!

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