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A/N: Thanks for the votes everyone!! And for the votes too!! I hope you all like the story.

"You wanted to see me, Healer Roberts?" It was Snape, standing at the door of the hospital wing.

"Severus," Teresa turned to her former classmate. He came near them and Teresa explained all that happened.

"Severus, please. If Harry doesn't get the antidote till tomorrow night.." Teresa's voice trailed off. Snape thought for a moment before answering.

"All right. I will need the sample of the poison so that I can make the antidote," he said.

"Sirius..." began Teresa. "I'll get Kreacher to bring all the things he ate at home. I really don't trust that nasty elf," Sirius said, as if reading the young healer's mind.

Snape turned to go. "If anyone wants me, I will be in the dungeons, brewing the antidote for Mr. Potter." And with this, he left.

"Sirius, I have to give some potions to Madam Pomfrey for Harry", said Teresa, "It will help his stomach pain. And if you need me, I'll be with Severus. He might need some help." Sirius gave her a nod and she too left for the dungeons.

Just then, the pair of best friends heard there godson's moan and turned to see him awake. Sirius and Remus quickly ran as sat beside his bed.

"Lay down cub," ordered Remus softly, as he saw Harry wincing as he tried to sit up, "does your stomach still hurt?"

"No," he answered. "Great!" said Sirius, "how was the sleep pup?"

"Good," Harry answered. After an awkward silence, Harry said, "Sirius, can I ask you something?" and got a nod from his godfather. "Um.. why did you blush when.. Healer Teresa spoke directly to you?" This made Remus burst into laughter. But Sirius turned pink again.

"Stop laughing!" Sirius snapped at Remus, who was now doubling over with laughter.

"Go on. Tell him!" Remus was finally able to speak. Harry laid there with a confused look on his face, which made Remus laugh even more. Sirius finally found his voice and said, "She-she was.. she was.."

"She was Sirius' girlfriend Harry" said Remus, finally after 5 minutes of silence from Sirius.

"What?!" Harry said. "But I got over it!" Sirius said in his defense blushing a bright shade of red, which set Remus off again. After another 5 minutes of laughter from both Remus and Harry, Sirius said, "Okay stop it now. We have other important things to do instead of discussing my love life, don't we Remus?"

Remus finally stopped laughing. Sirius was about to say something when Harry said, "Sirius, why didbt you give the gift to me?" Sirius was confused at his statement, and so was Remus. "What gift Harry?" Remus asked him.

"The chocolates. They were delicious!!" Harry exclaimed excitedly. It became even more confusing for Sirius and Remus. "Where did you find them pup?" Sirius asked him as he stroked his godson's hair.

"In the basement. It was inside the big cupboard," said Harry, "why? What made you say that Sirius?"

Sirius was shocked. Harry found that box?? "Okay pup, I think we'll have to go. We have to go to St. Mungo's for your potions. We'll be right back. Okay?" he lied.

"Do you have to?" Harry didn't want his godfathers to leave him. "I am sorry Harry. We have to," said Sirius. Remus gave him a 'what's wrong' look. Sirius replied with a 'I'll tell you later' look.

"But be back soon" sad Harry. He looked as if he can burst into tears anytime. Sirius placed a kiss know his forehead and got up.

"Take care pup." Harry nodded. As soon as they were out of the hospital, Sirius grabbed his best friend's wrist and started running.

"Hey Padfoot! Wait!" Remus tried to protest but Sirius wasn't stopping. He dragged him all the way to the gargoyle which leads to Dumbledore's Office.

"Liquorice wands." Sirius almost yelled the password to the gargoyle which started shaking and finally leading them to the old Headmaster's Office.

Sirius let go of Remus' hand. When they entered the office, they saw that Dumbledore was not in there. Sirius quickly ran towards the fireplace and grabbed the floo powder from the bowl attached to the wall.

"Sirius tell me what's this all about, now!" Remus demanded again, to which Sirius replied, "Remus, Harry says he took the gift fronts the basement. Do you remember I hid a gift box in the basement on Harry's birthday, because it had no sender's name on it?"

"Sirius, you don't mean.."

"Yes! That's exactly I mean. I wanted to take it to Professor McGonagall to check for any jinx on it. But I didn't get time. Remus we're going home and see if the box is still there or not."

Remus gave him a nod and both of them flooed to 12 Grimmauld place. Sirius ran down to the basement, with Remus right behind him. Both of them reached the basement and Sirius opened the big cupboard. What he found was horrifying for both of them. The pink wrapper of the gift lying in the cupboard, along with the tag which said

To Harry, very very happy birthday.
The cupboard smelled strongly of chocolate.

"Come," Sirius grabbed Remus' wrist again and both of them ran out of the basement. Now, Sirius led him to Harry's room.

As soon as they reached Harry's bedroom, both of them started searching for remaining chocolate if anything was left.

Remus was searching under the bed when he found a half-eaten chocolate square. He grabbed it and held it close to his nose to smell it. As soon as he smelled the chocolate, he felt as if he was about to faint. Sirius quickly held him as he saw his best friend about to pass out.

"Hey Remus, are you okay?" Sirius asked him. "There's something wrong with this chocolate Sirius," Remus replied and handed him the chocolate square.

"Maybe this is the chocolate Harry was talking about," said Sirius, " I think we should take it to Madam Pomfrey. Remus nodded and both of them flooded back to Hogwarts.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. I couldn't find time to write this for a long time. Or maybe I was procrastinating?? But I updated at least. Doubt forget to comment and vote!!

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