Chapter 2

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Dan flutters his eyes opened to his dark window. Oh shit how long has he been asleep. He look over to find his phone sitting next to him and saw it was 8:30. Has he really been asleep for that long. He got up from his bed and stumbled a little. What was wrong with him? Why was he so dizzy? Then he remembered the day was almost over. He had to find Phil. He started to walk out of his room but lost his footing and fell and hit his head in something. "Ahh!" He got up and sat against the wall. Why would he fall like that? Has he forgotten how to walk? "Dan?" Oh no. "Dan are you ok what happened?" It was phil, he rushed over to his side. "Your head Dan are you ok?" Phil looked at him with concern. Dan couldn't stop staring into his beautiful eyes. It was like he was in a trance. He sighed "I'm fine... I Guess." Phil closed his eyes and then looked at Dan "Dan i know something is not ok, and I'm not talking about your head, you need to tell me..." Phil was close to him, he could tell not in a romantic way though he wished it was. "Well... I've been meaning to tell you something." Dan said he could feel his eyes start to water. "I'm just..." Dan could feel a tear run down his face. He looked up at Phil. "In love with you." Phil looked in shock he sat back a little looking at Dan. "Dan... Your kidding right?" His eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. Dan wiped a tear from his face, "No Phil, I really do." "Dan... I" Phil looked down. "I'm sorry." Dan furrowed his brow "what." Phil got up "I'm sorry Dan..." He started to walk out "Phil! Where are you going come back!" Dan said "I'm sorry Dan I just can't be here right now I have to go." Dan got up and started to walk to front door "Phil please don't leave!"but he was to late he heard the door slam shut Phil was gone. Dan sat down on the stairs above the front door. He knew it, he knew this would happen. He started to feel anger build up inside him. "Why did I tell him." Dan mumbled angrily. He let out a frustrated sigh and then punched wall next to him. "Fuck!" He shouldn't have done that. Dan laid back on the stairs and looked at the ceiling. He couldn't believe what just happened. First off, Phil knows that Dan loves him, second of all, Phil was gone. But for how long? Where would he go? Does he love him back? All these questions where getting to his head so he decided to go to bed. He soon made it to his room and he flopped down and started to cry. This was going to be a long night.

A/N//I may not post another part till Wednesday so see ya then :) Also I thought the song went good with this chapter.

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