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Hey since chapter one I am pansexual af but I don't really care what my sexuality is I'm just me.

This is gonna be just a casual you were at the bunker and Charlie appeared and you get locked in a closet with her yayyyyyy really cliché but my fav so here it goes.

I was bored out of my mind.

I had been staying at the bunker with Sam, Dean, and Cas for awhile since I broke my leg on a hunt. I just had a cast but I could walk in without crutches now, unfortunately they wouldn't let me come on the hunt with them.

I was watching Sherlock on Sam's second laptop, I was on the Reichenbach episode when there was some knocking on the bunker door. "Sam, Dean, it's Charlie!!" Charlie yelled. I went to answer it. When I opened the door I was sort of speechless because there was a really, and when I say really I mean really hot chick.

"Hey, I'm Charlie. Charlie Bradbury." She said.

I stared at her for a few seconds before coming back to reality. "Oh! Uh.. Hi! I'm (Y/N)(L/N) I live with the boys. I started hunting with them three months ago they mentioned you a lot." I replied. "Come on in."

"Thanks!" She replied. "So what got you into hunting?" She asked me as we walked down the stairs.

"My family was killed by demons and then I ran and lived in California and they found me." I explained shortly and to the point. "What about you?"

"I hacked into something and there was a whole thing that ended up with me helping Sam and Dean get Dick... I realize how that sounds... Dick was a man, well, Leviathan." She explained quickly.

"If they had been hunting the other kind of dick that would be a little alarming. Although I think Dean has a little crush on Castiel." I said.

"They're practically married." Charlie said.

"Yeah. It's driving Sam crazy."

We walked into the library laughing. "I don't know when the boys will get back but you can stay as long as you'd like." I told her. I kinda got lost in her eyes as cheesy as that is. (K but have you seen Felicia's eyes like...)

"Thanks." She replied not breaking eye contact. I looked away out of habit. "You wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked.

"Sure do you have Star Trek?" She asked. "Probably in Sam's room." I replied. I went to go look and she followed.

I was about to ask her what fandoms she's into when there was a noise somewhere just around the corner.

"Shit I forgot my gun." She whispered. "I don't even know where mine is... uh... There's a wardrobr get in." I let her get in first and then climbed in.

There was a sound of heavy boots clunking against the floor it sounded like there were two men. I held my breath as the sound got closer. The boots passed. The intruders had passed.

"I think I can make it to the room where we have spare guns if I go quick." I whispered to Charlie. I went to open the wardrobe only to find it locked. "Well shit.'

"Well we're locked in here. Huh. Never thought I'd be in the closet again." I said making Charlie laugh a bit even in the current situation. "Are you...?" She asked. "I'm (Y/S)." I replied. And single. I thought to myself. "Hey I'm gayer than Freddie Mercury on a rainbow so..." She giggled.

"So what should we do?" I asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "I don't know. Truth or dare? That always ends up... excitingly." Although it was dark I could see her smirk in the slight light coming through the cracks in the closet door. I didn't have anything to lose so it sounded like fun. I vaguely wondered if she was into me but that wandered to the back of my head as we began. "Truth or dare?" She asked me. "Truth."

"Who do you think tops in Dean and Cas' relationship?" The game went on like this until it began to get more personal... "Truth." I said. "When we get out of this closet will you go out with me?" She asked. I didn't even hesitate, "Definetly." I could see her smile through the darkness. "Truth or Dare?" I asked. She knew exactly what I was gonna do and I knew how cliché it was. "Dare." She replied. I didn't even get to speak before she had pushed her lips against mine in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapper her arms around my neck running one hand through my hair, pulling the back of my head towards her to deepen the kiss. I kissed her back and started to push her back against the side of the closet, taking control of the kiss. I ran my tongue against her bottom lip asking for entrance, she let me in and our tongues fought for dominance. She won and spun us around pinning me against the doors, suddenly they burst open and we fell onto the floor in the hall.

"I told you they were making out. And you know what? That sounds JUST LIKE THE NOISES I HEAR FROM YOU AND CAS!" Sam yelled at Dean. He started blushing and mumbling something about "No homo". Sam turned and smiled at us. "Hey Charlie, (Y/N)." He said. I was blushing like crazy but Charlie seemed pretty confident.

"Hey Samoose." She replied. "Hi Dean!" She yelled down the hall at Dean walking away in a huff. He waved behind him. "So why were you two in the closet?" He asked curiously. "Oh yeah! We thought there were intruders and neither of us had guns so we just hid in the closet but it locked behind us. Now that I think about it, the intruders were probably you guys coming back from the hunt. Where's Cas?" I asked.

"That's a good question..." Sam said thoughtfully. We had started walking, Charlie and I's hands laced together. I smiled at her and she returned it with a wink. When we got to the library Dean and Cas were making out on a chair. "No homo my ass." Charlie said loudly. They jumped and scrambled away from each other. "Now if you excuse us we have a date to go on." She said as we left Sam laughing at the two blushing men with hickeys forming on their necks.


This is 1105 words lmao. Are you guys good with smut?

Bye frens

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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