Meeting jaime

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BEEP! BEEP! My alarm goes off. Its monday morning I haven't left and I already wanna go home. I get out my cozy bed, and head staright to the bathroom. I tie my hair in a bun, and brush my teeth. Once I get out I look for an outfit (picture above). Once I was done, I got my purse and went downstairs. My stepmom made me a sandwich. But I wasn't that hungry. So I left 20mins early. I walked to school which is like a 10 min walk. I got to school a little early. I walked to a bench and sat down. I took out my phone and checked my twitter. While I was on my phone, I looked up and seen an unfamiliar face. I guess that was the new student the teacher was talking about, he caught me staring. I blushed a little. He was pretty hot! Lol. The bell rang and I walked to my first period. My bestfriends Alan and sebas caught up to me. So we walked together. I sat down and waited for the teacher. When the teacher walked in she said "Vanessa, you're needed in the office . So I walked into the office and seen that one boy I seen today in the morning. The principal Ms. Jones told me "Vanessa you need to show jaime around .. I said ok. Then they called jaime in. And they told him what was gonna happend. After that. We both left the office. I asked him if I could see his schedule. He gave it to me and best believe we had all the same classes togther. Once we got into class the teacher told him to introduce him self. So he did. For all my classes he had to sit next to me . That was our new assign seats. When we were in period 4 we got to know eachother. The whole period we were talking. Then when period 4 was over we got to go home. This whole week we had early days. But sadly i had soccer practice. I went to soccer practice and practiced for 1hr. Once it was over, My stepmom came to pick me up. I seen jaime still at school. I walked over to him and said "why are you still here." Then he said " i dont have a ride home... My mom is at work." So then i said "cmon ill give you a ride" he said "ok" i told my stepmom and she was ok with it. We gave him a ride. He actually lived 3 houses away from me. He asked for my number and i gave it to him. Once i got home, i ran up stairs and took a hot nice shower. It was getting kinda late and i was tired. So then i fell asleep.

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