Chapter One

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Well hi this is my first book so I hope you like it and I know it is probably going to be bad sorry.Anyways hope you like it bye!
My name is Brit MacWords.Yes I guess you can call me a "big bitch"or "a dump Bitch".But really In reality that's just my personality.I am a really mean Bitch but I'm gonna embrace it.
So right now I'm just on my phone listing to music on Spotify with my pink earphones and I'm listing to Classic Man.
Then before I know it the bell rings telling me it is lunch time.
I walked to the cafeteria and got in the lunch line.
After I got my salad and diet coke I sat by myself on a empty table l.
I was just munching on my salad when the "mean girls"of the school walked to my table I usually sit at.
"Hi Brit"Tiffany said.
"Uh hi"I said back rudely.
After they whispered back to each other,they looked at me.
"Would you like to be our friend"Jessica said.
"N-" "great will see you later"Lindsay said.
With that they walked out of the cafeteria to the hallway.
Okay that was weird crap.
After that I dumped my food in the trash and walked to my locker.
Once I was at my locker I replied my makeup.
Ugh I totally need new clothing.
After that I went to math class.
"Okay today class we are going to do a math test"Ms.Sandberg says.
She than handed out the math test with a total of fifty-four questions.
It took me forty-five minutes to complete the whole math test.
The whole school day went by fast.
After school I went to the mall to shop for some clothing.
If you are wondering if my parents are wealthy,they are.But they are hard working my mom is a heart surgeon and my dad is a brain surgeon.
In the future I plan to be a surgical nurse in the E.R.
After I went to numerous shops I finally went home.

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