Chapter Four

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The next morning we went the same route as yesterday.  We arrived at school and I checked my locker and guess what I found? A drawing with a smiley face, saying,I hope you like the doll Brit.I got so creeped out. I said to Lindsay and Jessica "Guys look at this note, I found it in my locker!" Jessica looked scared. All of us were.
Unknown Number-Did you like the note?
I kept thinking to call the cops but then I will have to confess to doing stuff I am not proud of.
Okay maybe it's just somebody just trying to scare me right
I decided to text the Unknown Number.
Brit-Stop texting me creep I'm not in the mood.
After that I went to class.
It we finally lunch time after having four classes it is really tiring I hate all the subjects anyways.
I walked to the cafeteria and went in the line.
I had the usual I usually have.
I than walked to our table.
"Okay I'm not sure if I should tell you guys but I'm going to anyways"I started to say "and look at this text the unknown number texted me.I showed them and they we're more than creeped out.
Just then all of us got a text from the same unknown number.
Unknown Number-Tell a soul about this and you will be gone bitches.
"Should we tell someone?"I asked.
"No"They all said to me.
"Okay"I said "we will not tell nobody".
And of course I deeply wanted to tell somebody but what if the unknown person will do something to us.
I really couldn't risk it.
After lunch I went back to class.
I decided to ditch P.E because I didn't feel good.
I went home.
When I got home I went to sleep.
After an hour of sleeping I woke up which was pretty early because it was 4:30.
I decided to text Lindsay.
Brit-Lindsay what are you doing?Want to go shopping?.
Lindsay-Yea I'm at my house I would like to go shopping right now.Can you pic me up?
Brit-Yea I'll pic you up be there in 15min.
Lindsay-okay bye see you.
Brit-okay see you in 15min.
After I texted her I got  dressed again in a short dress and put some makeup on then I wore sandals with the dress.
Once I was done I quickly got in my car,drove off to Lindsay house which may I say is pretty big.Once I was there I honked my car horn so she would get inside my car so we could go.
I than seen her walk to my car then get inside.
"Okay let's go to the mall!"Lindsay said happily,I guess she loves the mall.

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