1. "Hey, Camera Girl, You Forgot Something."

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The amazing edit on the side is made by user choco-latte! Thank you so much, this chapter is dedicated to you :)

*QUICK NOTE* Not as cliche as it seems. Not edited, so bear with me.

Pass me another bottle, honey

The Jager's so sweet

But if it keeps you around then I'm down.

(Six Feet Under The Stars - All Time Low)

I uneasily play with the neck strap of my camera. No, I'm not a journalist. I'm just a teen who likes photography.

I look over to my best friend, Noel, to see her driving, perfectly calm. I raise my brows at her, cocking my head to the side.

"Why aren't you nervous?" I inquire, my fingers again fingering the strap of my camera. "I mean, it is the first day of senior year."

"Because," Noel states, looking at me in the corner of her eye. "Do you want me to flip my lid and crash this car?"

Typical Noel. "No, I'm just saying ... it's the first day of senior year-"

"So? Nothing bad will happen, promise," she grins. I hold out my pinky.

"Pinky swear?"

She links my pinky with hers. "Pinky swear."

I feel better after that.

We continue driving until we get to Harbor High. We already bought our books and our schedules came in a week ago, so we already finished with that.

There's people everywhere. From freshmen to seniors.

Noel suddenly grins, pulling my arm so that I stop.

"Seniors," she grins. "Batch of twenty - fourteen."

I just roll my eyes, but smile.

We continue are way, saying hello to our friends we 'accidentally' forgot to call over the summer, checking out the new kids, and giggling to ourselves.

Just then, my camera strap is yanked off of my neck.

"Got your camera," my friend in photography, Wesley, sings as he runs off into the courtyard, cackling madly. I groan, forcing myself to sprint off after him.

"Wesley!" I shout, irritated. "Give me back my baby," the one sentence gets me awkward looks. I just grin at them before chasing after Wesley again.

"Wes-" I slow to a walk and take a deep breath. "Ley."

"C'mon, Dylan," yes, I do have a unisex name that's usually used for men. "Come and get me."

I just walk up to him and hold my hand out expectantly.

He grumbles something about me being 'not fun' before placing my camera in my hand and waving  goodbye as he walks to his other friends in photography.

I turn around to find Noel, only to see her flirting with a boy. He seems interested, so I don't bother them.

I grin to myself before making my way to locker 236. I open the door and stack my books and notebooks in there.

The bell rings.

I take out my first and second period notebooks, and groan. Calculus and Advanced English. Leave it up to me to get the worst classes at the beginning of the day.

I make my way to Calculus, clutching my books and camera to my chest.

I walk in, and no one except a group of boys are in the room. I suck in a breath. They're the "Heartbreakers". Players. Bad asses.

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