15. "So ... No Sex Then?"

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Yes, I can see her.

Every girl in here wanna be her.

Oh, she's a diva.

I feel the same and I wanna meet her.

(Sexy Bitch - David Guetta feat. Akon)

 "Hey," Drew says as he sits next to me. I glance at him, giving him my best, 'I don't want to talk' face. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," I say. 

"C'mon, tell Drew - y," he pouts.

"Calculus," I groan, finally. Dropping my head onto the table, I sigh. "It's so hard."

"That's what she said," he says automatically.

"Shut up," I bite my lip to keep from smiling, rolling my eyes. "But seriously. I hate it."

He pats my back. "Don't you worry little girl, everything will get better, you just have to hold on," he chimes in a falsetto voice.

I hit his shoulder. "Weird. Don't ever talk like that again."

"You hit like a girl."

"I am one."

"So you say," he grins excitedly. "Why don't you prove it?" Playfully, he tugs on the hem of my shirt. I swat at his hand, laughing.

"Stop!" I say through giggles. "That' so perv-y."

"So ... no sex then?"

"Ew-w-w!" I grin.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, CG." He leans a bit closer. "For the record, if you spent the night with me, you wouldn't be saying that," his voice is flirtatious, "you'd just be begging for more."

I push him away. "Gross. Who said I'd be having sex with you?"

"I never said sex sex."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know the four bases?" he asks. I look at him quizzically. He holds up four fingers. "French," ticks one off. "Feel," one more off. "Finger," his third finger, as he looks at me with a dirty expression. "And ... fuck." 

"What?" I gasp, red going to my cheeks. Of course I know the bases! I just didn't think they could be this ... vulgar.

"Do you want me to do a repeat?" He asks sarcastically. "And by the sex sex thing, I could've meant oral or-"

"What the actual fuck?" I interrupt, my face getting even more red, if that were possible. "O-oral?"

"It's when a girl or a guy takes their mouth and-"

"This isn't sex ed!" I finally cut him off, throwing my eraser at his face. It hits his nose before bouncing off the table. He flinches while I begin to speak again. "Besides, I don't think they talk about ... that kind of sex in sex ed."

He lifts a corner of his lips. "They don't?" he asks, feigning surprise. "Maybe ... maybe could teach you."

My jaw drops. "Gross! What's wrong with you? You're worse than usual."

"It comes with the Drew package, babe, take it or leave it," he grins, raising a hand and pinching my cheek. Butterflies erupt in my stomach. I frown at him anyway, practically sizing him up.

"Haven't you heard of never touching a girl's face?" I ask.

"Most girls don't mind," he raises a brow.

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