Chapter 19

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*hello it's me... Okay sorry guys I know it's been a while. I thought this story was a flop but I'll try to continue on. So here's the new chapterrrre*

Lauren POV

It's been a week that Camila hasn't been to school. It's been a week since we've actually spoken. But why should I care. She clearly doesn't want me.

*clears throat*
I turn my attention to the sound and it was ms. Vasquez.

"Ms. Jauregui, I see you are not paying attention in class."

Ms.Vasquez my biology teacher stared into my soul as if I felt the burning sensation of it.

"Lauren, what is water?"

Wow. Easy.

"Ma'am, water is a universal solvent. It is capable of dissolving many substances unlike others."

It fell silent in the room as the whole class had gasped.

"Good job. But ms. Jauregui I expect you to pay atten-"

Ms.Vasquez was cut off by a knock on the door. The knob had turned and there she was. Now I'm definitely paying attention. To.. Her. She met my eyes but looked down almost instantly. Camila had walked in front of the class to hand over her pass to Ms. Vasquez.

"Well she surely missed you after your one week break, Ms. Cabello. Take a seat."

She surveyed the room for a seat, but there was only a seat next to mine. The look of disappointment was drawn on her face clearly shown as her eyes cringed irritatedly.

"Well she don't look happy sitting next to me at all" I whispered to myself. But knowing me, I'm a very bad whisper...

"Ofcourse I'm not" she replied in an aggressively soft tone.

I looked at her as she laid her belongings underneath her seat. She looked over at me and I turned away. There was only 10 more minutes in class. I could survive this.

It had gone quicker and the bell rang. I waited till everybody was gone so I didn't have to bump into rushing people at the door. As I was leaving there was a note left on Camila's desk. I went ahead and snagged it and kept it as a ball in my hand. Walking down the hall I went to my locker and hid behind the locker door once it opened it. I unfolded the note. It was the note I wrote yesterday, but with a reply on the bottom.


I'm scared.
Scared of losing you again.
Not being with you, i don't have to be afraid of losing you because I don't have you as mine.
I'm sorry
I'm moving after first semester.
I can't be here. Seeing you everyday and I can't have you, hurts.
I'll miss you, even more than I already do.

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