A Reunion Of Love

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Hours ago, the royalwing princess was in the throne room, death coming to knock on her doors as she continued on fighting for her life while her sister watched with amusement in the background.

before any one else lash out with their claws and spears, a Bloodwing appeared out of no where and began to attack. one by one out in the shadows, it slashed throats and sucked blood out of the dragon's exposed necks. Sooner then later, chaos began to grow around the palace as the Bloodwing kidnapped the Royalwing victim and began to make its escape. during its escape, he revealed himself as the Royalwing's lost lover. now back to the present time, the two dragons just landed and was now going to be filled with love and joy with this special moments...

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU LEAVE ME FOR SO LONG!" Stardream lashed out at Starflight, angry that she had to feel so much pain over the past years and now that he came back, alive all this time, he thinks he can just give out apologies like a banquet of roses to his mate? Expecting acceptance and forgiveness right then and there? i dont think so. not without a few rants atleast....
Starflight gave a sigh, having blood trickle down his cheek from the lash Stardream gave him. He didnt expect more or less, knowing Stardreams personality he was actually expecting a lot worse but he had to get it over with, now or never. "Im sorry Stardream, i just....i just couldnt come right over to you as soon as i knew i was alive again. its just.....i......" Starflight stammered on his words as he sat down on his haunches and rubbed the back of his neck nervously with his talon as he tore his gaze away from Stardream and looked down on the cavern floors, trying to gather up his thoughts on how to explain his disappearance 8 years ago. "YOU WERE DEAD AND NOW ALL THE SUDDEN YOU JUST COME BACK ALIVE LIKE NOTHING EVEN HAPPENED!?!?! YOU LEFT ME IN PAIN AND SORROW FOR 8 YEARS STARFLIGHT! EIGHT FUCKING YEARS!!!" Stardream yelled out with tears and snarls. Sadden and anger was all she could feel since her negative emotions were pushing back her positive ones.
"I know and im sorry! I just couldnt come back to you!" Starflight tried to explain to her. He was going to go on but he was quickly interrupted by Stardream. "And why couldnt you?!?! What was stopping you from being with me? isnt that what mates do Starflight? Be together with each other for forever a-and always no matter what happens?" Stardream began to sob as sadness began to conquer her more then anger and joy. Both dragons felt heart broken and hurt, both having tears falling down from their, soon to be, puffy eyes from all the salt water that fell down on the hard, dirty ground. "yes...." Starflight continued to look down at the ground but more in shame as he put his talon back down on the ground. "Im a terrible mate Stardream and i dont know why i even bother coming back since i dont deserve your love..." Starflight got up and continue on speaking, "If you want me to go, then fine. Im just going to hurt you even more if i stick around anyways.." Starflight began to walk out of the caverns, but Stardream quikcly snatched his forearms and began to yell again. "Knock it off, you asshole! and dont you dare fucking leave me again! It'll hurt me more then it'll hurt you if you just got up and leave me again like that!" Starflight looked back up at her as she continued on speaking, "I lost you once before, i dont need to lose you again!" Satrdream's was a lot calmer but still sounding like she was about to cry even though she was. before anything else could be said, Stardream quickly kissed Starflight on the lips so he woudnt be able to say anything else at the moment. After the kiss, she gave him a hug while tears were flowing down on both of the dragons backs, stinging wounds on Stardream's back but she ignored it as she kept her embrace around her lost love. Starflight didnt say a word and put his wings around his dragoness, holding her in tight. Not wanting the world to grab her away from him again. They both stayed together like that for a bit until Stardream started getting drowsy and Starflight slowly let her down after he took notice of this kept themselves wrapped up together while they both slept in each other's arms.

Dreams soon consumed their visions, making time go faster to morning.....

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