im a daddy

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harrys pov

the second ryland said that thise kids were ours i think i just wanted to pass out. i am a father. im a father! that was the only thing going through my head as she draged me to the living room.

i heard little laughter and gigles that made me smile instantly.

father sounds nice.

six little babies walked up and hugged onto rylands legs.

"mumma" they cried.

she laughed and knelt down infront of them and started tickiling them.

they are adorable!!! and complete copies of me?!? like seriously. they have on matching green onsies and jean skirts and shorts. the green brings out their eyes its so adorable.

i knelt down next to ryland and started playing with them. they are adorable but i cant tell one from the other.

"harry" ryland said. my head shot over to hers.

"yea" i asked as i looked back down to play with the little boy infront of me.

"would you like to know there names?" she asked.

i nodded. even though im still not gonna tell who is who.

she smiled and nodded.

"well your playing with dustin" she said. i nodded and looked down at him.

"mum has addison" she said. i looked up to see mrs. green holding a little girl and bouncing her up and down.

"dad had blake" i looked at mr. green and saw an exect copy of dustin but his hair was much curlier. thats a way to tell them apart. i nodded and smiled.

"ashton has clareta" i looked to see ashton holding a little girl that matched addison but she had light blue eyes like ryland.

i nodded and she went on.

"eithan is the little monster over there who is about to be getting himself in trouble" she said muttering the last part as she set the little girl she was holding down and went and picked up eithan. he looked like dustin and blake but he had much darker hair and it was kinda straight. i nodded and she picked the little girl back up.

"and this is faith, shes the queit one and she is usall the good one" she said as she rocked the little girl in her arms. she looked like the other two girls but she was smaller and she looked inocent. she had longer curlier hair and she had a clear binky in her mouth.

"oh and she likes her binky, im warning you dont take that away from her" ryland said.

i nodded.

"deeply noted" i mumbeled as i rocked dustin in my arms and played with his curls.

ryland smiled at me and played with faith.

we all joined at the table for diner which i think the kids got more on themselves or the floor than they did in their mouth but oh well.

we talked and enjoyed diner and caught up and just relaxed.

we helped alan and roseann clean up after and then they went up to bed. ashton had left to go to his girlfriends house so it was just me, ryland and six kids.

we sat on the couch and talked while the kids played on the floor or climbed on us.

"babe?" ryland said. my heart skipped a beat. she just called me babe.

"uh yea" i said trying not to sound jumpy.

she snuggeled into my chest.

oh does she not know how much she is making me feel jittery.

"are you gonna leave me again?" she asked sadly.

i wraped my arms around her tightly.

"if i leave you and out kids are coming with me" i said. she happily sighed and rested into my chest.

we sat there for a while untill she groaned.

"its getting late haz, i have to get these kids home" ry said as she untangeled herself from my grip reluctantly.

i smirked at her.

"need any help?" i questioned. she looked at me questionally.

" im afraid to even ask" she said as she picked up faith and eithan.

i got off the couch and picked up clareta and dustin.

she grabed addisons hand and i grabed blakes.

we got the kids into her car and then i helped her in.

she started the car and i got into mine and followed her to a nice two story house about two, three miles up the road from her parents.

i helped her get the kids out and into the house. i followed her into a room with dinasours. she got three red footy pajamas and diapers.

i changed eithan and blake while she changed dustin. we kissed them goodnight and ryland turned on a nightlight and shut the door.

we walked to a purple and teal room with daises and she went to a dresser and grabed three pink footy pajamas and three more diapers. she throw some at me and then chaged addison. i glared at her and then changed faith and clareta. i noticed that ryland had given addison a whire binky and clareta a clear green binky. we kissed them good night and set them into their cribs and turned on the night light and quietly walked out of the room.

we walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.

she snuggeled up into me and i wraped my arms around her.

"you looked handsome playing daddy" she whispered.

i smirked down at her.

"oh really now?"

she smiled and kissed my cheek.


"well you looked adorable playing mommy" i teased her. she just kept smiling. i gave up i had to kiss her.

i leaned in and soon our lips touched. i still felt the same spark as our lips moved in synch. he oh so kissoable lips. i pulled away from the kiss.

"ive been waiting for you to do that since the second i saw you earlier" ryland said with a smile.

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