Chapter 13: Dark

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"I hate you (Y/N) I never loved you!!" Jack screamed into your face. Tears streamed down your face.
"Jack please no," you whimpered.
"Just leave (Y/N) he doesn't love you he loves me," Gloria said while holding Jack's hand.
"Just go," Jack said pointing towards the door.
(Jack's POV)
(Y/N) fell asleep on the couch. I stayed up catching up with Glow.
"Wow you had quite some adventures," I said smiling.
"You could say that," Glow smiled back. I heard crying next to me. I looked at (Y/N) sleeping next to me tears streaming down her face. I lightly shook her.
"(Y/N) wake up," I said shaking her.
(Your POV)
You didn't move. Glow pulled out her gun.
"If you don't leave I will shoot," Gloria aimed at your stomach and shot. You body felt numb. You felt to the ground with a thud.
"(Y/N), wake up!" You heard Jack yell.
(Jack's POV)
(Y/N) started to scream. I shook her harder. All she did was cry and scream.
"(Y/N) wake up!!" I yelled. Gloria was at my side helping he wake (Y/N).
"Jack!!" (Y/N) sat straight up and looked at me sweat running down her neck.
"(Y/N) I am here. Look and me," I said looking into her eyes.
"Jack I had a terrible dream," (Y/N) said catching her breath.
"Tell us," Gloria said smiling warmly at (Y/N).
(Gloria's POV)
(Y/N) looked scared as she started to tell her dream.
"Ok u we were in a dark room. Jack was holding your hand Glow. And Jack you told me to leave that you loved Gloria now." (Y/N) looked at us and continued.
"When I didn't leave Gloria took her gun and shot me," (Y/N) said while looking at me.
'She fears you' I smirked. I shook my head.
"I hope you know I would never to that," I said. 'Lie' I heard my head say.
"I know. Your here to protect me," (Y/N) smiled.
"Let's go to sleep," Jack said picking up (Y/N) and carrying her to her bed. I offered to sleeped on the couch.
"No you can't," Jack said.
"Trust me I want to," I said.
(Next morning your POV)
You woke up the next morning and got dressed. Something was telling you to go to the woods so you woke up Jack.
"Jack wake up," you whispered.
"Why," Jack groaned.
"I wanna do out," you whispered.
"Where," Jack opened his eyes.
"Trust me it will be worth it," you smirked and left Jack to change.
(In the woods)
"Um the woods (Y/N) at 7 in the morning," Jack said sitting on a tree log in an open space.
"Yup I don't know why but something in my head told me to come here," You said.
"Maybe it was me,"a deep dark voice said behind us. Jack and I spun around to see Dark.
(Gloria's POV)
I woke up thinking Jack and (Y/N) were home. I walked into the restroom took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and got changed. I put on all black again but a Pierce The Veil shirt.
"Jack, (Y/N) wake up," I yelled from down stairs. No answer.
"Oh no,"I ran out side to see the car gone. 'They left ye' my head said. I ignored it.
"How the hell am I going to protect ye if you leave me," I screamed into the air.
A little boy on his bike stopped and stared at me. "What!" I yelled at him. The boy looked away and rode away.
"Ok where would they go," I whispered to myself. I put my nose up to the breezy air took a good sniff.
"They went to the woods," I said," there trace leads to the woods." I ran inside and grabbed my guns. I had no car so I was going to have to run a 20 mile drive.
(Your POV)
"Who's there?" Jack asked sitting up.
"Oh I thought you would have guessed it by now," a dark figure stepped into the light. It was Dark.
"What do you want Dark," you yelled at him.
"You (Y/N)," Dark smirked.
"I swear if ye lay a hand on her," Jack stood up. With a wave of Dark's hand Jack's eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground.
"Jack!" You ran you his shaking body. "What did you do to him!"
"Nothing bad. He is just seeing his worst nightmare,"just like you." Your eyes rolled back and you passed out.
(In your nightmare)
Your mom was standing in the kitchen. You ran over to her and gave her a hug.
"Oh honey whats all this," your mom asked turning around.
"Nothing ma I just misses you," you said kissing her cheek.
"Well ye give your ma a kiss but what about your old man?" Your dad asked walking in. You ran and hugged your dad trying not to cry cause you sadly still remembered this wasn't real.
"Everyone on the ground," a man walked in with a gun. You and your mom fell to the ground. Your dad stayed up. Not for much longer you heard gun shots and you heard a thud on the ground.
You looked towards your dads dead body on the ground. You started to cry forgetting this wasn't real. You mom screamed and you heard more gun shots you turned to see your mother dead on the floor.
"Am I late?" The robber took off his was Jack. You curled into a ball and cried.
(Out of your nightmare)
Your eyes rolled back to normal. He looked around and saw Dark with Anti. How is that possible you saw Mark kill Anti. He looked around frantically. you saw Jack on the ground curled in a ball with the tears streaming down his face.
"Jack, you cried!" You yelled.
"Yes and so are you,"Anti said nugging Dark. You look down at the tears rolling down onto his shirt.
"Yes she is," Dark said. Waved his hand as if he were lifting something. He was lifting a dark one out of you.
"Wow she is beautiful," Anti said looking at her butt. She looked like you only dark. (Idk how you look so make one up)
"What do we call you?" Dark asked the dark you.
"Call me Hell," dark you said smirking and walking to join the others.
"A sexy name," Anti said.
(Gloria's POV)
I was out of breath but I made it. I walked quitely into the woods following Jack's sent. I was on top of a tiny hill when I saw them. I saw three Dark ones. Dark,Anti, and (Y/N) Dark one.
"Great," I whispered to myself. I saw Jack on the floor tears streaming down his face. (Y/N) was staring in shock at her evil self.
I set up my sniper and aimed at Anti's leg.
(Your POV)
You couldn't stop staring at Hell.
"Hell? That's different," you said.
"Its better then (Y/N)," she shot back. You heard a thud on the ground.
"We will be back for you Anti," Dark grabbed Hell and they disappeared. I look at Anti clutching his stomach.
(Gloria's POV)
'Yes shot him in the stomach' I thought. I ran down to Anti and stepped on his neck hard enough that he wasn't able to move but not to kill him. Jack stood up.
"What the hell were you thinking!! Following your head!! Dark is in there!!" I yelled at (Y/N). She looked shocked.
"And what the hell was that (Y/N) how did he do that," Jack splat out.
"Oh she didn't tell you! If you cry in front of Dark one he could make a Dark you," I explained to Jack. (Y/N) look like she was going to say something but Jack cut her off.
"What the hell (Y/N) why didn't you tell me!!" Jack raised his voice at (Y/N). (Y/N) looked like she was about to cry.

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