You Scared Me To Death..

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-Emily's POV-

Chris had a show today, unfortunately I couldn't watch,
I decided to go explore and see if I can meet new people, ash and the band is away also but I wonder if I could meet their merch girl or something,
I pulled in some ripped skinnies black of course and a wooly dark red sweater,
I headed outside, the cold made my breath visible,
I walked around and accidental bumped into someone making him drop a box of cables.
"O..oh shit I'm so sorry here let me help you" I said,
"It's okay you don't mind picking up that other box over there do you?" Asked the guy,
"Not at all" I said walking over picking up a box sticking it in the trailer,
"Thanks, the manager is ill so he left me to do his duties" he said putting his hands I his jean pockets,
"Oh is see"
"My name is Mark, what's yours?" Said Mark
"Emily, nice to meet you" I smiled shaking his hand,
He looked strangely familiar, I shrugged it off,
"Wanna go get coffee or something, there is a Starbucks about twenty minutes from here" he said
I looked around, Chris would be back soon,
"I would but I should stay-"
"I'll drive, come on coffee won't hurt right? Besides it looks like you need it" he said
"Your right,"
"I'll drive" he smiled
He took me to his car, I made sure I had my phone on me just Incase,
He parked the car outside Starbucks, I entered the warm coffee shop letting the Christmassy scents fill my lungs making me smile,
"I'll have two gingerbread lattes please" he said
He handed me a cup and we sat down,
"So who are you with?" I asked
"What do you mean?"
"Like what band?"
" uh.. New Years Eve?" He stuttered
I looked at him confused, "you mean New Years Day?"
"Y...yeah sorry I get confused with the bands"
I nodded,
"Hey you wanna go to the park, it's not far from here, y'know just for a walk"
"B,,but it's cold out"
"I know, but you get to see nature often" he said
"Fine, but I have to get back soon"
"Yeah yeah I know" he said

He took me to this forest, why did he wanna come here?
"Mark?!"  I yelled
He vanished, I walked back to his car and it was gone, I sighed, it was getting dark, quickly,
I should head back,
I began to walk home,

-Chris's POV-

The show was finished, finally, now I get to see my baby,
I opened the door to an empty bus,
"Emily? Baby? You here?!" I yelled checking the bus,
No reply,
I sighed and ran to my car,
I drove off in a hurry, there is a small town not far from here, maybe she is there,


-Emily's POV-
After finally making my way out of the forest after twisting my ankle several times,
It was pitch black and the more I walked the more tears rimmed my eyes from the pain,
Suddenly a pair of long arms jumped out and grabbed me harshly,
I screamed and pushed them off and began to run,
Someone then suddenly grabbed my bad ankle pulling me to the ground,
"D,,don't hurt me please," I cried
I turned onto my back as I saw the tall figure creep on top of me,
I cried harder trying to push him away,
"Shhh shhh shhh baby, it's me," I reconised the voice,
"Baby, it's okay look, shh, it's me" he said
"Yeah" he said softly

-Chris's POV-

She hugged me tight and snuggled into my shirt as I sat on the ground.
She cried into my shirt,
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to frighten you,"
"'s not that" she cried
She sat up on my lap looking me in the eye,
" ankle, hurts" she said looking down,
Crap, I pushed her down,
"I'm so sorry I grabbed you like that, I didn't want you running off, this town looks rough" I said
" I already hurt before that anyways"
"Why are you here anyways" I asked picking her up,
"I was uhh, with this guy," she said awkwardly,
"Why?" I said
"I helped him do some duties and he asked if I wanted coffee so I did, but then he practically abandoned me, and I went over my ankle" she said
"What was his name,"
"Oh, never heard of him, I should meet him next time, please don't run off like that before telling me, you had me worried sick" I said
"Sorry" she said quietly
I kissed her fore head,


"Let me see baby" I said referring to her foot,
She stretched her leg and placed her foot on my lap,
She winced in pain when it took her sock and shoe off,
She had a massive bruise on her ankle,
"Damn that looks really sore Emily," I said getting some cream and rubbing it into her foot, I also put a support on it and kissed it better,

I then Decided to get a snack and bent down to get into the fridge, I grunted die to my sore back from head banging
I got some milk and some cinnamon toast crunch cereal and took a spoonful,
"Sit down Hun" said Emily
I did so and are my cereal,
"Turn round" she said
I sat on the couch with my back to her,
She then began yo massage my shoulders, my bones began to crack,
"Ahhhh that's what I need Emily" I sighed
"Your getting old gramps" she teased
"Not funny" I said as she massaged my back,
I ended up lying back, my head rested in her stomach, as she lay and fell asleep her hands tangled in my hair,
We both passed out, the guys will have to sit on the floor if they wanna use the TV,

Hey guys,
Hope you guys are doing good!!!
Anyways what do you think of this Mark guy?
Good or bad?
Anyways I'm gonna go, gonna jam to music till my neighbours cry,
Lol *evil laughter*
Anyways, Christmas is getting close,
What are you guys hoping for this year?
I wouldn't mind a Chris motionless,
Buy me him and I will love you forever!!!
Just kidding, I love you guys anyways, xx
But seriously a Chris would be fab,
Hmmm he would be my teddy bear,
Seeya guys update tomorrow XD

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