Bring your kid to work day (not)

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Voight's p.o.v.
Ah today is the day I get to meet my son for the first time and Phoebe gets served the court papers. I just sat down when I hear Erin say,"Hey, Phoebe why did you bring your son to work?" Phoebe was going to say something, but I got up and said,"Well, you see Phoebe's son, Nathan wanted to meet his dad." Everyone looked at each other trying to figure out who the dad is and I looked at Phoebe and she gave me look as to say don't you even dar tell them. Then Jay said,"So, who's the lucky guy?" I laugh and say,"Yeah, Phoebe who is the baby daddy?" Antonio looked at me and said,"Voight stop!" I looked at him and Phoebe says,"Well, if I don't tell you Voight will. Okay umm, the father of my son is Voight. I slept with him to get him off Matt's back, but I ended up pregnant. Also, Voight thinks it's funny trying to take a kid away from his mom." I stopped smiling what did she just say? I look at Nathan then to Erin and say,"Erin will you take Nathan downstairs while I talk to Phoebe?" Erin nods. Once they are out of sight I grab Phoebe's arm and drag her to my office and slam the door. "What the hell!?!? How do you know I'm coming after you for custody?" I say. Now, Phoebe is the one laughing. I grab her and push her up against the wall and yell,"TELL ME NOW DAMN IT!!" She stops laughing and says,"You know Voight you aren't the only person who has "friends" She was about to walk out of my office when I stand up and stop her from leaving. Now, I have her up against the door and she has a scared look on her face and I say,"Antonio told you didn't he?!??!" Phoebe looks down and doesn't say anything, so I slam my hands by her head and say,"He is the only other person who knows about that." I just open the door and let her leave. Phoebe walked downstairs and I think to myself what have I done. She can use this against me in court. *knock knock* I didn't look up I just yell,"What the hell do you want?!?" There was no answer so I looked up and saw Nathan. I get up and say,"Sorry, I thought you were one of my detectives. Here, sit down and tell me about yourself."
Nathan's p.o.v.

I looked at Voight and walked over to the chair and sat down. My dad looked at me and said,"So, what do you like kid?" I looked up at him and said,"Well, I'm 14 years old. I like football and playing video games. What about you?" It was weird my dad looked at me smiled and said,"Well, um were do I start." He paused for a minute think of what he was going to say and he continued,"You are my second son. I have a kid, Justin. He is 35 years old the same age as your mom. I didn't know about you until a couple days ago." I looked at my dad and said,"What?!?! Really I thought you knew about me and didn't want anything to do with me. I had nothing to be mad at you for." Hank looked at me shocked and said,"Your mom didn't tell you I didn't know, interesting." The phone rang and my dad answered it ~skip phone call~ My dad hung up the phone and said,"Your going to have to stay here with Sarg. Platt. We just got a case. I shook my head okay and then I walked downstairs to Platt and hung out with her until they got back.

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