Finding out the gender!

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Skipping ahead a few months

Phoebe's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked over at Antonio and smiled and thought today is the day Tonio and I find out what we are having!  I sat up in bed and leaned over and kissed Tonio on the lips. Tonio woke up and grabbed me and flipped us so that I was under him and he was on top. He started to kiss my neck while I was laughing and Tonio said, "What are you laughing at huh?" I said laughing, "Nothing!? What are you talking about?" He just shook his head at me and continued to kiss me, but this time on the lips. I opened my mouth to give him access. Things started to get heated when Nate walked in on us and he yelled, "AH NOT AGAIN! You guys should really start locking in the door!" Tonio started to laugh and I yelled back, "Maybe you should start knocking before barging into a room!" After that Tonio and I got up and got dressed then walked to the kitchen.

Tonio's P.O.V.

When we got to the kitchen Ava and Nate had made us breakfast. Which was eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns with some orange juice. We sat at the table and started to eat when Ava asks, "When is your appointment, Phoebe?" Pheebs looked over to Ava and said, "It is at ten, why?" Ava just shrugged and kept eating. Phoebe looked at me as if to say What the heck was that? I just shrug. We laugh then kids got up to go to school, we told them to have a great day and stay out of trouble. I looked at Phoebe and said, "Shall we finish what we started before Nate interrupted us?" She looked at me and said, "Sure!" We went to the bedroom and I gently pushed Phoebe back onto the bed and got on top of her and we started to make out then all of a sudden Pheeb's pushed me off of her and she ran to the bathroom. I followed and held her hair and rubbed her back. I asked, "Are you okay, Pheebs?" She shook her head yeah and said, "It's just morning sickness." I looked at her and said, "Maybe we shouldn't continue this and just relax until the appointment." Phoebe agreed and we just laid on the bed until about 9 and we headed to Med.

*skip ride*

Phoebe's P.O.V.

We made it to Med and we got out and walked up to the front desk and Maggie saw us and said, "Hey guys. What can I do for you?" I was about to talk when Tonio says, "Pheebs her has an appointment with Dr. Manning." Maggie shook her head okay and told us to go sit down and Nat would be with us in a minute.

*few minutes later*

"Phoebe Boden!" Antonio and I looked up at April and got up and walked over to her and she says, "Wait I thought your last name was Casey?" I laughed and said, "Nope its Boden, but people call me little Casey because Matt is my brother." April looked at me with a questioning look and Tonio says, "Chef Boden adopted her when she was 10 years old and changed her last name so her mom couldn't find her." All April said was oh and took us back to a room and checked all my vitals and said, "Everything looks good and Nat will be in to do an ultrasound." I smiled and said thank you.


Nat came in and got everything set up and told me to lay back and lift up my shirt. Then she put cold gel on my stomach and was searching to see if she could see the baby's gender. We could hear the heart beat and then Nat said, "If you look right there (she pointed to the screen) you will see that you guys are going to have a little baby girl. Congrats you guys." We thank her and leave and now we are heading to work to start our work day.

*Skip ride to work*

Tonio's P.O.V.

  So Pheebs and I walk in and Erin looks at us and asked, "Where were you guys?" I looked at Phoebe and she says, "We were at a doctors appointment to see what we are having. If you must know Erin." She looked at us and got excited and hugged us both and her and Phoebe walked off to talk more. I went to my desk to start work.

{Authors note}

Sorry for the wait. I didn't know what to write and I kind of gave up. If anyone has any ideas just message me and I can see what I can do. Thank you for reading.

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