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"Willowers: Assemble!" Pa Joe announced his arrival by swinging the front door wide open. He stood confidently in the middle of the hallway awaiting his adoring crowd.

From her bedroom, Orva could imagine him standing in his yellow shirt and brown trousers of the colours of his work placement in the garden. She could imagine him outstretching his lean arms as if awaiting a serenade.

"Joe! Thank goodness you're here. There is... much to discuss." Ma Grace hurriedly ended the seranade to get to the point.

"News? What news?" Pa Joe's voice faltered slightly but he covered it up with a beam on his face. He wanted to have an image that nothing could dampen his spirits. Ma Grace gently beckoned him to the kitchen where their voices became hushed.

"Joseph, there is something you need to know. It's a matter of seriousness." Ma Grace gripped Pa Joe's arm to get his attention. His beaming smile faded slightly and he inclined his head towards his wife.

"What, my love? What is the matter?" He searched her eyes.

"It's Orva... she... had her Administration today and..." Ma Grace couldn't find the words to tell Joe about how she wasn't a Willower.
Her words were lost to murmurings and shufflings for she couldn't bear the thought of breaking his heart. Finally, she managed to utter, "talk to her. Please."

Pa Joe cupped her face and kissed her forehead gently. He nodded with sincerity and carefully made his way back down the hallway and up the stairs.

"Orva?" He called amiably, and heard shuffling in her room as a response.

"There is nothing to be afraid of my darling." He gripped the door knob and began to open the door.

She remained silent.

Pa Joe became anxious for the welfare of his Daughter for she wasn't being her usual sun-ray happy self.

"Orva, my beautiful sunflower. Whatever is wrong, I want to help you. Remember you are the Sun that makes the flowers grow! Please, my darling. Please tell me what is on your mind."

"Go away," Orva, for the first time in her life, was rude towards her father and felt guilty for it.

"I won't go away until my Sunflower is blooming with happiness." He pressed gently,

Orva knew the truth of his words and sighed reproachfully.  Aaric and Ma Grace meanwhile clustered together at the bottom of the stairs to prepare for the reaction from Pa Joe.

"I... I don't know how to explain," Orva started, "it's hard enough to cope with as it is."

Pa Joe understood how it felt to be pressured and put a dry finger to his sun cracked lip.

"Is this about your Reveal?"

There was silence.

"...Yes." A small voice finally replied,

"Is it about your Gift?" Pa Joe tested,

"Yes." The voice said a little louder but more fearful.

"Are you afraid of what you are?"

"...Very much so." The poor voice that belonged to a vulnerable human shook.

"Are you... is your... Gift rare?" Pa Joe was slightly afraid for the answer. The only way to make her daughter speak, however was through 20 Questions.


In that one word, Pa Joe understood everything. He didn't need to ask any other questions.

He swept his daughter up into his embrace and held her close while she sobbed.

"I don't want to... I don't want to..."
Her eyes widened with the recollection of her fate.

"Shh..." Pa Joe rocked her as if she were still a chick in a nest.

"You will not fail. We will make sure of that. We can stop this. Your training will ensure you won't fail."

Orva sobbed and shook in his arms.

"Oh Orva... my lily... you shouldn't have to be burdened with this duty... I'm so sorry." Orva nodded gratefully.

"Pa, my Doppelgänger is clumsy and distracting. I almost died today." A look of puzzlement crossed his face and Orva repeated the Reveal. By this time, Ma Grace and Aaric where standing disembarked by the frame of the door, listening with intent and sympathy to the conversation. Pa Joe, unaware of their arrival, said a bizarre thing to Orva.

"You could train her to be careful and make wiser decisions."

Orva's cries subsided and she looked up at her Pa bewildered.

"How, Pa Joe? Surely that's not possible..."

"Everything is possible, my child. It will be difficult... but there is a way." The trio of family members all leant in to hear the next words of the master of the house.

"We must speak to the Conquestor."

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