Chapter 7

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Heyy guys after soooo long time!! Update is here... Waiting and seriously crying for you all to read!!! (Bad joke i know)....
Ohh my god I misss you ALLL SOOOO much!!!! Hope you all too.....
Ok no wasting of can read now!!
Upper pic is of Harry!!! ( remember him?!?) ...
Happy reading:)

Shehry P.O.V

Bullshit! Tell me someone it is not true!! OMG seriously this can't be true!! How can she......WTH she is doing here?!?....Who the hell I am asking?!? Duffer!!

"Hussain?! Hussain?!? Mout Hussainnnn?!?" I nudged him on his shoulder looking straight. But he was least interested in what I am saying... Can I just kill him now?!

"Shehry let me concentrate C'mon tu to maths ka topper hai. At least muje to parne de....." He said looking in his calculator. Just screw you! Damnit!

"Listen this time shehry is sure gonna shock you! Just look what I am saying!!" I said siping my coffee. He looked up and gave me What-so-ever look and started doing his hell work again. Well yeah we were at coffee shop most probably known as Starbucks. But this time I swear The coffee is feeling so bitter that I will spill it any time. I just saw her.. What was her name.... Umm...manahil yup manahil. Damn what the eff she want now.

'Shehry stop thinking too much!' My super mind interjected just to give me his hell advice.

'Ohh please shut your mouth' I countered back! Hmph. Since when my days are getting so bad?! Seriously.....

Oh freak! She just passed by me and smirked at me?!? C'mon I am gonna snatch every smirk of her if she do that again. But how?! Whatever.

If she think sitting next to my table and smirking at me will make me angry then baby you are wrong you don't know me yet!

"Hussain mein aya!" I said getting up.

"Mein ne ruka?!" He asked and I just facepalmed.

You got wrong not ME HIM....

"Heyy do I know you?!?" I went to her table and said smirking. She place her elbow on the table and cup her one cheek smirking as well.

"Of course last night I had a night mare Seriously I was freaked out! And guess what, I just saw you doing perfectly the Devil role! And about me well I was the Queen! Just like now!" She boasted and I was like something is heating up! Oh shoot! My whole body is boiling. I swear someone can cook on me!! Well I know this is too much! But isn't that too much attitude she is showing me??! Me!?...

"Excuse me, I just found something under my shoes.... Oh guess what, it's your Attitude....!" I said taking a seat in front of her and her jaw dropped like fully!! Haha!!

"My attitude is your problem... And yours my foot!" She countered back! And this was my turn for a jaw dropped.

Kis mitii ki bane hai ye?! Ya Allah!!

"Listen! Talk straight... What are you doing here?!" I said trying myself as calm as I could. Behas karna Bekar hai iske sath....

"Well! Seriously I didn't expect to meet you here!" She said taking a deep breath.

"Well! This was not my answer!" I said blankly.

"Whatever I am not here to answer your hell questions by the way!!" She said rolling her eyes.

"And I am here to ask you something!!" I replied rolling my eyes too.

"Listen shehryaar or whatever stop questioning me!! The queen's mood is not good enough for any lame question to be answered!!" She replied with full attitude like full of attitude chick I can say!!

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