Chapter 7 - [The Apology]

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            Richard woke up from a strange dream that night and after that, he couldn’t go back to sleep.

            He lay there, staring at the ceiling, until he got frustrated. “Damn alcohol.” He muttered as he got up from his bed.

            He left his room, thinking that some fresh, salty air and a nice breeze would put him to sleep. It always helped.

            When I climbed up onto the deck, he was surprised to see both the captain and Nerina together. What shocked him the most was that the captain was holding her wrist.

            Richard smirked. He knew the captain had a thing for her… he knew that the captain would get her into his bed soon enough.

            But then Richard noticed something. Anger on the captain’s face, and fear on Nerina’s.

“Understood?” The captain asked Nerina.

            She nodded and the captain released her.

            “Good.” Edward said as he turned around.

            Nerina turned around and rushed away as fast as she could.

            For some reason, the fact that the captain was scaring Nerina angered Richard. Maybe it was because he knew the Captain wasn’t the type of mean to scare women.

            “Edward!” Richard called.

            Edward spun around, looking startled. “What?” He asked.

            “What did you do to the girl?” Richard asked as he walked towards his friend.

            Edward seemed to have relaxed. “She was spying on me.” He simply said.


            “So I told her not to spy on me.”

            “Did you hurt her?”

            Edward shook his head.

            Richard sighed. “You can be a real ass you know, Ed?”

            Edward smirked.

            “She looked scared to death!”

            He shrugged. “She shouldn’t have been spying on me.”

            Richard rolled his eyes and turned around. “Go get some sleep, Ed.” He said as he walked towards the spot that he always has saved for when he can’t sleep.

            When morning came, Richard sat in the dining hall, eating with Sam, just like every other morning.

            “Where be the princess?” Same asked him.

            Richard thought for a moment. Was she still in her room? Was she too scared to come out?

            He turned around and looked at Runny, the fat pirate that was supposed to bring her here every morning. “Runny!” he called.

            The fat man turned around. “Ai, Richie?”

            “Did ya call the princess this morning?”

            The fat man nodded. “Ai, she said she ain’t hungry.”

            Richard nodded and turned to face Sam. “Guess she’s not hungry.”

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