Chapter 15 - [The Awakening]

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Hey Everyone!!

I know this is a short chapter, but things are finally getting down to business here! I was thinking of putting the crazy in with this chapter, but decided to seperate it in the end to make it a little more exciting!! xD HAHA XD (also cause I wanted to upload quick!!)

The next chapter will be up before next wednesday! So keep your eyes open!!

In the meantime, enjoy this chapter!


Love, Thannujah!


Nerina shivered again as she thought of her kissing the Captain. She could never deny that it felt good… even though she had tried.

A whole day had passed since she had kissed him and the Eternal had even set sail from Pirate Isle… and he hadn’t spoken to her since.

She wondered if it was because she pulled away.

Maybe she had embarrassed him?

She hadn’t meant to do that though. It wasn’t her fault that the rain started to feel like knives cutting her skin.

She sighed, as she was reminded of the knives.

Never had she felt so scared of the rain… it was as if the rain didn’t want her to kiss him.

That thought made her frown. Well. She thought. If that’s the case, I’ll kiss him when I’m inside.

What made things worse though, was the fact that Sam had told everyone that they were fighting.

Now the crew was trying to make them makeup, even though they were never fighting to begin with.

She didn’t blame him though. She would have thought the same thing if she was in his position. Especially because of the sword.

She got up off her bed, deciding that she was brave enough to go see the Captain, but jumped when there was a knock at her door.

Nerina rushed to the door and opened it, smiling when she saw the Captain.

He hesitated before he smiled back. “Were you sleeping?”

Nerina shook her head. “No… actually, I was going to come and see you.”


Nerina nodded as she stepped aside, letting the Captain into her room.

“Why were you going to come see me?” He asked.

Nerina shrugged as she closed to door.

The Captain sat down on her bed without hesitation and then lifted up some clothes.

Nerina raised an eyebrow.

“These are for you.” He said.       

Nerina stepped forward and took them from him. “What is it?”

“I thought you would be more comfortable in something like this rather than what you’re wearing right now.”

Nerina held the red dress over her body. It was simple, but looked very comfortable. “Hmm… I like it!”

“Why don’t you try it in?”

Nerina smiled at the Captain. “Well, you’ve got to step outside for a moment then.”

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