Chapter 8 - [The Truth]

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Nerina followed the captain who led her to the kitchen. Both of them remained quiet, even as the Captain started to make something for Nerina to eat.

When he was done, she sat down and ate what he gave her.

Surprisingly, he sat in front of her and waited for her to finish.

She ate quietly, watching the captain, who was looking at the wall. Finally, she decided to speak up.

“You know you’re enchanted by a mermaid… and you’re okay with it.”

The Captain didn’t seem surprised by her question, but remained silent.

“If you’re not careful, she could kill you… at least, that’s what your crew told me… they said mermaids—”

“It started off as a quest to avenge my parent’s death.” He said without looking at her.

This caught Nerina off guard. “Avenge their death?”

He nodded. “Aina’s father killed my parents.”

Nerina’s eyebrows shot up.

“But she was able to enchant me before I could ever do anything.”

“So you don’t love her?” Nerina asked.

The captain snorted. “The day I saw you… at the ball. That was the day that I was supposed to kill her.”

“But it wasn’t her.”

He sighed.

“Why don’t you kill her now?”

“Because the day that I saw you was the day that Aina had legs… the day she could walk on land. That’s when she’s weakest. Her power over me isn’t as strong.”

“But now…”

“She controls me.”

“Is it only when you’re with her?”

“Of course. If it wasn’t then I wouldn’t be telling you this right now.” He said.

“Why are you telling me this?” Nerina asked.

The Captain hesitated but then shrugged. “I guess it’s the only way to truly make sure that you won’t say a word to anyone.”

“How will this make sure that I won’t tell?”

Edward looked at her. “Because if you do then my plan will be ruined. If Aina doesn’t know already, she’ll find out.”

Nerina looked at him. She knew he was hiding something. She knew that there was another reason for why he didn’t want his crew to know.

But she decided not to ask. She was lucky to get this much out of him and she knew that asking any more questions may make him angry.

She looked at the captain after finishing her meal. “Thank you.” She said.

He nodded his head as he got up and made his way to the door.

“And thank you for being kind to me for the first time.”

He turned around and looked at her. An amused look flashed across his face, a look that was almost similar to the look he gave her on the day they first saw each other, but he simply nodded. “Do you know your way back to your room?” He asked.

She hesitated, but shook her head.

“Alright then, hurry along, I’ll take you.”

She nodded and followed him back to her room.

He left her there though, without saying goodbye.

Though it was the middle of the night, almost all of Caspian was wide awake. Most of the women and children were at churches praying for the princess’s safety while most of the men had joined the search for her.

After giving orders to the Caspian Army, King Seth made his way back to the castle. He had to say farewell to his wife before he joined his son and the rest of the army in the search for his daughter.

When he arrived, he found his wife sitting in the castles tallest tower, looking out at the ocean.

“Nixie—” He started.

“Nereus has started his terror… I can feel it.” She said to her husband.

King Seth shook his head. “That’s impossible he’s dead—”

“No.” Queen Nixie said. “He’s not. I know he’s not. He must be the one who has our daughter.”

King Seth walked up to his wife and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Nereus is dead. We saw him die.”

Queen Nixie looked at him, eyes filled with tears. “He is not. I can feel his presence!”

King Seth sighed. “Then even if he is alive… he isn’t the one who has our daughter. Prince Dale clearly said that it was pirates that kidnapped her.”

Queen Nixie looked back at the ocean. “He wants revenge… my King. If he doesn’t already have her then he is looking for her. If we don’t find her quickly… he will.”

King Seth stepped in front of his queen, kneeled down and touched her wet cheek. “We will find her. She will be safe.”

Queen Nixie looked at him and then took a deep breath. “I will come with you.”

King Seth hesitated. “But pirates are dangerous—”

“I don’t care.” Queen Nixie stood up. “Besides, no Caspian knows the ocean better then I do.”

Nerina stared, amazed, as Richard did his card trick. “Can you teach me?” She asked him.

He winked at her. “Nah, a magician never reveals his secrets.”

She frowned. “Alright. Show me again, I’ll figure it out.”

“I highly doubt that.” He said. “But I’ll show you again anyways.”

He continued to do his card trick as Nerina observed closely. He was right though, she couldn’t figure it out.

The captain walked up to the deck, where Richard and Nerina were sitting, later that day. “Richard, there you are.” He called. “I was looking all over for you.”

“Good day, cap’n.” He said, looking up at him. “How may I help ya?”

The captain looked at Nerina and then back at Richard. “Are you not busy?”

Richard shrugged. “I think the Princess here would be fine on her own, trying to figure out my card trick.” He grinned at her, and she scowled back but then returned to trying to figure out how to do the trick.

The captain smiled. “Alright, I believe the storm is approaching tonight.”

“Ai.” Richard said as he looked at the sky. “I can feel it.”

“Please go and call Sam and the rest of the crew. We should be preparing for the storm.” The captain said.

Nerina looked up at him, surprised by his kindness. Any normal pirate captain wouldn’t have been so polite.

“Ai, ay, cap’n.” Richard said, getting up. He then looked down at Nerina. “Maybe you could help out too?”

Nerina shrugged, leaning back and looking up at the two men. “I don’t mind, I have nothing better to do.”

“Is it alright if we get an extra pair of hands?” Richard asked the captain.

Captain Edward hesitated but then nodded. “Alright.” He turned to Nerina. “Just don’t cause any trouble.”

“Ai, ai, captain.” She said.

Richard laughed and the captain held back his smile.

She looked back down at the cards as she neatly put them back in their box, smiling to herself, proud that she made a pirate laugh.

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